Chapter 4.5

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"Why is that girl tied up there?" Kanae asked "Is she a criminal or something?"

The man responded. He was bald and *cough* ugly. "You can see for yourself she's dirt filled with fleas. Besides there's a chance she might escape."

Kanae went up to the tied up girl. "Hello nice to meet you. My name is Kanae kocho. What is your name?"

"That girl has no name. Her parents never gave her one." The man said in a harsh voice. "Enough, get away." He demanded, raising his hand in offense.

He tried touching Kanae and Shinobu quickly slapped his hand away. "Don't touch nee san."She coldly said, glaring daggers at him.

"What the hells up with you? If you wanna talk with her pay up." He said rudely.

Kanae eyes drooped and Kazuya appeared next to Kanae, with Shimo by his side. "Is there a problem here?" Kazuya asked.

Shinobu ignored Kazuya and proceeded to announce, "Ok, we'll buy that girl. Is this not enough?

She threw a lot of money out from her hand and the man shouted "AH! HOLD IT!"

Shinobu snatched the rope from his hands while Kanae grabbed the girls hand as they ran off. Kazuya did a double take and followed after them, leaving Shimo stranded.

"What's going on here?" Shimo shouted at them, very confused as he watched them all leave.

"You should pick those up quickly, there's a lot of people and the winds blowing hard." Shinobu yelled back with a victorious smile.

"Ahh~ Is this okay. I'm sorry." Kanae said.

"It's fine." Kazuya and Shinobu responded simultaneously.

All the while, Shimo is there picking up all the coins much faster than everybody else. He couldn't forget to take away the coins the man managed to pick up and just to add salt to the wound, he stuck his tongue out at him before dashing off.

Eventually, he caught up to the four of them. "I got the coins back!" He excitedly told Shinobu.

Kazuya untied the rope so the little girl could walk comfortably, as took the girls other hand. He was talking to Kanae while the other two were walking behind them.

"When I said to pick up the coins I wasn't referring to you." Shinobu said while holding out her hands to take the coins back.

"Well my mom always told me 'You can't have a rainbow without a little rain'." Shimo responded, dropping the last one in her hand.

Shinobu narrowed her eyes at him. "Your mother seems very wise but I don't think that applies to this situation. Not to mention, your technically stealing."

"What? Do you want me to return it all?" He asked tilting his head toward her with a toothy smile.

She giggled and walked off. "Yeah! Go find him and return it!"

Shimo joined her side, walking beside her, before noticing something. He took a couple steps to be infront of her, walking backwards. He was just looking at her smiling. An amused smile formed on her face in response. "What's got you so giddy?" She asked.

"Your wearing the earrings I got for you." He said in a sing song voice.

"Huh?" She blushed ever so slightly. "W-well, of course I am! What's the point of accepting a gift if I'm not gonna use it."

"Ohhhhhh I see" Shimo said looking at her with narrowed eyes. He walked back beside her. "Well it does make me happy seeing that you like it."

After a few moments of watching Kazuya and Kanae talking and laughing Shimo asked her, "Do you think they'd make a nice couple?"

"Yeah... Wait- huh? Couple?"

"Yeah. They've been getting really close recently." He looked at her as she gave him a confused look. "You haven't noticed?" At that moment, Kanae looked back for a second and waved at them as Kazuya followed suit.

They two waved back at them. Shinobu held her chin and responded, "For once... I think your right. So what do you wanna do about it?"

"What do you mean?" Shimo asked, tilting his head.

"Like, try and get them together." She clarified.

"Ohhhh. We should!" He said as his eyes beamed at her.

Before they could continue, they caught sight of a certain Kazuya walking back. "Shimo, we should be heading back now. If we leave any later we'll get back by midnight."

"Oh... Well in that case." He went next to Shinobu's ear and whispered, "Let's communicate through our Kasugai crows."

"Alright. I'll see you later then." She nodded at him with a grin.

And with that, the two brothers left back to Urokodaki's. Shimo and Shinobu decided that whenever they can, they'd send a message to each other when Kazuya and Kanae were both free to try and make plans to get them together.

A/N: Ik it's short so just think of this as a part 2 to the previous chapter



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