Chapter 4 - Longing

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I woke up on a bed with a blue eyed boy staring at me. My chest was covered in bandages and he was clearly restraining himself from hugging me.


"ITS OK I FORGIVE YOU SHIMO!" I forced him into a hug despite the pain it caused.

We were both crying and the doctor was awkwardly watching us.

We were both crying and the doctor was awkwardly watching us

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Time skip

As for my injuries, I'm told the bleeding stopped quickly and I had to get stitches on my chest. That was all done while I was passed out.

Shimos POV

When the son of the man I brought came in I went over to comfort him. The doctor came out and told me his father will be fine in a couple days. I thanked the doctor and went to the waiting room. The boy was there waiting and I told him the news.

"Well I should go back to Kazuya he might need my help."

"Wait- Sir can you... Please stay with me?" He pleaded

"I-" he gave me those irresistible eyes "Alright fine I'll stay with you." his face brightened immediately.

"So what does your father do for a living?" I asked

"He's a pharmacist. I help him with delivering medicine sometimes."

"Oh Cool. A friend of mine is also one."

"Really? My dad might be working with them. What's his name?"

"It's a her actually. Her name is Kocho Shinobu. If you see her tell her I said hi."

We talked a bit more until he told me that he should head back home. I told him I'd stay with his father for a bit more. When he left I sat back down and sighed.

It's been a long time since I last saw Ayaka. I can't help but miss her.

All of a sudden there was an aggressive knock against the door. Somebody else got injured this late at night? They kept knocking as I jogged over to open it.

There he was. Kazuya. Covered in blood.

The man we saved from earlier was helping him stand. He clearly had an injury on his chest and was bleeding a lot.

"KAZUYA!" I went over to help him walk "DOCTOR WE NEED HELP!"

Back to the present

"So when is the earliest we can leave?" asked Kazuya.

"Well I suggest you stay for about a week but if you can take all your medicine every day and give your body enough rest you can leave after 2 days." the doctor responded

"I see. We'll leave as soon as possible."

"In that case I'll write everything you need down."

"Sir, I was wondering if the other man I brought was doing fine." I asked.

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