Chapter 14 - Catalyst

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Everybody was anxiously waiting in the butterfly estate. It was deep into the night and the triplets had huddled next to each other and fallen asleep on the couch. As Aoi covered them with a large blanket I grabbed a water jug and I tried to pour myself some wate. However my shaky hand betrayed me, causing the water jug to crash to the floor.

"Shoot." Frantically, I grabbed a towel, determined to clean up my own mess. In the midst of my efforts, someone placed a hand on my shoulder, and I instinctively slapped it away.

"I got it!" I shouted. My eyes widened and I turned my head to see Aoi. "S-sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."

She offered a reassuring smile. "It's alright, Ayaka. This situation has everyone on edge." Taking the towel from me, she said, "Let me."

Sighing, I retreated, wrapping myself in a blanket and burying my head in my arms and knees.

Images of the two of them returning safely with a bright smile, hand in hand were compelled into my head. I was desperately hoping that Shimo and Shinobu's trip would be pointless and there was no point for worrying. A grand victory against an upper moon... Or if nothing else, a successful retreat. The rest of us attendees were told to stay back. 'To be prepared to treat them in case they're injured' they said, but in reality it was because it was too dangerous for the likes of non demon slayers.

My thoughts ran rampant as that irritating whispering voice came back... the one that enjoyed taking control of my mind at the best times.

Your utterly useless.

Just the annoying little weak girl you always were.

A burden.

You'll only ever be the sister of your brothers.

You can't do anything.

As tears soaked into my sleeves, a sudden sound of wings flapping jolted me back to reality. In came the same bird which originally warned us of the fight with Upper moon 2. Kazuya's Kasugai Crow.

The blanket fell from my shoulders as I got up. "Yuuto!" I ran to the window sill he was perched on and gripped onto it tightly. "Are they okay?" I asked him frantically, only to receive no answer in response. My fists clenched.

Behind him, I caught sight of two figures in the dark.

It must be them.

I took a step away and made a run towards the door frantically, my fingers fumbling to grab the handle, and sliding the door open. Taking quick steps towards them, my eyes focused and it was then that I first noticed that it was Shimo and Shinobu, both covered in blood.

No sight of Kazuya or Kanae.

"What happened!?" I shouted at the two.

Again no response. Silence.

My body froze at all the possibilities that ran through my head. My nails dug into the skin of my palm and I pursed my lips, as my vision trailed back to Shimo's eyes as he took a step towards me. His eyes half lidded and on the floor and his lips trembling as he opened his mouth. His eyes finally met mine as he uttered,

"I'm sorry, Ayaka.


"Kazuya and Kanae.

No. No no no.

"They're dead."

"NO!!" I shrieked, leave a sharp and painful feeling in my throat. My shaking knees gave out and the world disappeared around me.

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