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??? POV

Years ago, a young king and queen ruled a hidden kingdom known as Kaen. Their people loved them dearly as they were the greatest rulers to ever come. The king and queen protected their people. Their queen, however, was an Elemental Master. The Master of Fire to be exact. Her people looked at her for protection. Not wanting his wife to think herself a burden to their people, the King called forth the greatest sorcerers of the kingdom to teach the people magic.

After a month or two, almost ever single citizen now had to ability of Blaze Magic, being able to mimic the element of fire through sorcery. This then eased the burden from the queen and gave the kingdom that extra level of defense. Not long after, the queen fell pregnant, then a Year later, she gave birth to a little boy with burnt sienna toned eyes.

"Hello, Kearin." the queen, Savannah, smiled as she looked down at her newborn son.

"He has your eyes my dear." the King, Aaron, added as he placed an arm over his wife.

Kearin let out a happy gurgle as he reached up his hands, only to grip onto his father's calloused pointer finger.


Years passed and the was now 5 and running amock through the castle halls; brandishing a wooden sword as he chased a small red, orange and golden Dragon. he was dressed in a cardboard crown and had a red blanket tied around his shoulders. He raced into the throne room where he then dropped his sword and jumped into his, unexpecting, father's arms.

"Well Hello There, My Young Wildfire!" King Aaron smiled.

"Hello Father!" I smiled, showing the lost tooth on the top right-side of my mouth.

"Kearin!" Queen Savannah called as she wandered over. "Look at this."

She then held out her hands and a small fire was ignited as was the pure joy in my eyes upon seeing this new magic.

"This is an elemental power." she explained softly. "A special gift that I inherited from my mother who inherited it from her father."

"Wow...!" I gapsed.

"And you, my child, have this gift too." the fire dissipated from her hands before she booped the boy's button nose. She then took the child from her husband's arms and held him against her hip. "One day, when you're older, you will rule this kingdom with a firey fist. You will protect the people. Our people. From any danger that may come."

"I dont want to just protect the kingdom." I began, as I jumped from my mother's arms, ran to the balcony; that overlooked the kingdom below, stood on my tip-toes and looked over. "I wanna protect the entire world! I wanna protect all of Ninjago!"

But thats when tragedy struck. Something happened. A loud explosion, our people screaming, smoke billowing into the air. Everything happened so fast. My mother picked me up and held me close as we ran into the palace. Guards stormed in and informed father of what was going on.

A man, with black hair, ran in with a satchel over his shoulder. I was suddenly handed off eith a look of fear. I had no clue waht was going on. With tears, and hurt, in my mother's eyes, my father chanted something under his breathe before he directed a red mist towards me. Before I knew it, my eyes became heavy as my mind fogged over. I lay my head against the man's shoulder and drifted to sleep.

When I woke up, i was lying on a bed in a strange room. I sat up, rubbed me eyes and made my way out of the room. I notice a blacksmithing area; complete with an anvil and forge. Swords and other weapons hung on the walls. I noticed my attire had been changed to a red shirt with the embroidered crest of a lion's head, as well as brown canvas pants and black shoes. I wandered out and over to where two black haired people were standing.

"Come here, son." the man said as he gestured for me to wander over. "Meet your new sister; Nya."

The woman bent down and handed her over to me. She looked up at me with her pale blue eyes and gurgled happily. I smiled and nuzzled my cheek against her head with a loving smile.

You may be wandering what had happened, but I dont really know. All I remember is that I've always been Kai Smith and that's how it'll always be.

But unfortunately, fate had other plans...

I know it's short, but it's only the prologue so I hope this peaks your interest!

Anyways, I'll keep this short.



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