Chapter 17

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3rd POV

"Yep..." Kai replied as he wiped his bloody nose, in which had hit the ground upon impact. "Just how I remember it..."

"Y-you're...!" Nya began, unsure as to what words she was to use. "You're... You're Prince Kearin...?!"



"More Like, Why?!" Lloyd exclaimed. "Because You Lied To Us And Said That You, Kai, Had Never Set Foot Inside Kean And We Had To Believe That, Kearin Was Somebody Completely Different!"

"We were looking for our friend..." Jay began with a hurt tone. "Only to find out that you've been with us the entire time."

"I guess..." Kai picked up his helmet. "But at least I know what you guys really think about me. Someone who should just be forgotten and given up on? Heh... Thanks... You can all head back to the Bounty. Im going to head home."

"So you're gonna return to the Bounty with us...?!" Skylor piped up with hope.

"No. I'm returning back to my Kingdom."

Kai then headed towards the general direction of his Kingdom. But he managed to hear the footsteps of the others follow; thanks to the crunching of leaves under their feet.

"Kai...!" Cole cried. "Kai, Wait!"

"What." The latter asked with a stern and hurt tone of his own as he only gave them a side-eye.

"We apologise. We didn't realise Kearin was you. We really dont mean any of those rude things we said. Right guys?" The other ninja nodded to show their agreeance. "So please... We want you to come back... This isn't you... You're not-"

"What, Cole?! I'm not what?!" Kai turned so he could face the group head on. "A Prince?! Because All I Am to You Is A Ninja?! You Don't Know Anything About My Family Or My Life!"

"And I Do!" Nya cried as Lloyd cradle his arm and stood by her side; gripping to the back of her gi like a young child.

"No, You Don't! I'm Going To Say This As Simply As Fucking Possible. I'm. Not. Your. Brother..."

Wha-?!" To Nya, those words felt like a hundred swords piercing her heart all at once. Tears welled and made her vision blurry. "What do you mean; not my brother...?"

"Ray and Maya are my guardians. They're not my biological parents."

"But...! They Must Be!"

"Nya's right." Jay replied. "Ray's and Elemental Master...! How else were you able to inherit your powers?"

"Ray isnt an Elemental Master." Zane piped up as he manuvered to Kai's side. "Kean once studied sorcery known as Blaze Magic, as a way to give Kean and extra line of defence for the people. Ray was originally from Kean and was King Aaron's best friend. When their kingdom was under attack from Aspiksar and her army, Ray was posing as an Elemental Master to help with the Serpentine War while Queen Savannah was needed to protect Kean."

"But isnt posing as an Elemental Master illegal?" Lloyd questioned.

"Yes, But Ray was given permission by my father." Kai continued. "When he returned to Kean to help the King and Queen, he was too late so I was given to him for protection. Ray was then told to do anything he could to keep me safe before I passed out. When I woke up in the Blacksmith Shop, all my memories had been altered; making me believe that has always been my life and Kean was just the kingdom in a story."

"Then How'd you find out?" Skylor asked.

"I was cleaning my room and found a satchel with a lion plush, a scroll with the story of the Beast Master; that also contained a map to Kean, and a crown. Upon touching the head piece, memories flooded through my mind to reveal my true origins."

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