Chapter 1

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3rd POV

Kai leant against the side of the bounty as he looked out at the sky; wind tussling his hair. He closed his eyes and allowed the wind to wash over his tanned skin. As he had his eyes shut, a memory flashed before him; a woman with the same cedar brown hair, tanned skin, Burnt Sienna eyes. she was wearing a blood red gown and had a bronze headress decorated with red rubies.

"Kearin...!" She smiled. "Look at this."

As the woman in his memories said this, her hands sparked a small flame. Kai gasped as his eyes flew open, just as another figure wandered onto the deck. Kai turned and saw Lloyd on the phone to someone.

"-I understand." Lloyd smiled as he spoke to whoever was on the receiving end of the call. "I'll come and visit you tomorrow, I promise, Rumi. Bye." Lloyd then hung up and wandered over to Kai.

"Harumi?" Kai questioned as he looked at the boy, turning so he has his back against the side of the Bounty instead.

"Yeah." Lloyd nodded as he sat down, Kai following in pursuit. "I'm going to see her tomorrow for a rehabilitation session."

"I still dont understand how you can give her another chance. She manipulated you and broke your heart. Not to mention she literally caged and tourmented you."

"She's changed. She helped defeat the Overlord, rebuild the monastery and even put herself in a rehab-program to try and fix and redeam herself for everything else she did. Everyone deserves a second chance, Kai."

"Hm... Whatever..." Kai turned his gaze upwards, towards the sky, and just closed his eyes, wanting to get lost. As he did, another memory came to his mind.

"Look at this, Kearin." This time, it was a broad shouldered man who looked startling similar, if not identical, to how Kai looks now. The man pulled back a pale red blanket to reveal a small red, orange and golden dragon hatchling. "This is Ember... Some bad people killed his parents so we're gonna take care of him..."

Kai's eyes shot open and there was Lloyd, sitting in front of him, wearing a worried look. It took Kai a moment to register the boy before him.

"Are You Alright, Kai...?!" Lloyd asked. "I Tried To Get Your Attention For 3 Minutes!"

"Sorry..." Kai mumbled. "Just lost in thought, I guess."

"As long as you're OK. Come on. Lunch is ready."

The duo then headed inside the Bounty and to the kitchen area. They then sat down; Lloyd at one end of the table and Kai next to Nya and across from Cole. Chatter started up as soon as everyone sat down but Kai wasnt paying attention. The voices of the two people in his memories echoed in his head as their forms flashed, repeatedly, before his eyes. He just poked at his food with his fork and kept his gaze down.

"Ninja." Wu began suddenly, clearing his throat and startling the gathere team. "Considering there has been no commotion within Ninjago, or any surrounding areas, I think you all deserve a break-"

"But we are in a break, Sensei." Jay piped up. "That's what we've been doing since we got our powers back."

"I dont think that's what he means." Nya replied.

"Correct." Wu continued. "I believe you should all go on your own little adventures. Go off on your own for a while."

"Like; Take a break from the team...?!" Cole gasped, before shovelling some noodles into his mouth.

"More or less. You've been cooped up in the bounty for so long and haven't really had time to yourselves. So please, when you're ready, go off on your own journeys."

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