Chapter 4

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3rd POV

Its been 1 month since Kai left.

Lloyd was sitting on the roof and staring over the top of the monastery gates. He had his knees pulled to his chest, with his arms o. his knees and his head in his arms. He heard Zane's falcon screech overhead, in which caused the blonde boy to look up. As he did, he noticed three figures making their way up the steps.

Lloyds face immediately lit up. He stood up and jumped off the roof.

"They're Back!" He cried as he ran to the doors of the monastery. "Cole, Nya and Jay! They're Back!" He then turned around as the latters entered the courtyard. "YOU'RE BACK!"

Loyd then threw himself into Nya's arms and burried his face into her shoulder. He may be 18-years-old but he was still mentally a kid.

"Hey, Green Machine!" Cole beamed as the latter gave him a hug.

"I missed you fuys so much!" Lloyd mumbled.

"We missed you too." Jay smiled before he looked up. "Hey, Sensei! Hey Zane!"

"Welcome Back." Zane replied kindly. He then cocked his head to the right side slightly. "Kai didnt return with you?"

"Wha-?" Nya questioned. "Kai was never with us."

"What do you mean...?!" Lloyd exclaimed as he stepped back. "Sensei told us he went on a personal journey!" The group looked at their teacher.

"I did say that." Sensei confessed. "But I did not say he joined the other three."

"Then where'd he go?" Cole questioned.

"He did not say, unfortunately." Sensei Wu then turned and headed back inside.

"Wait!" Cole exclaimed as he and the others raced after their sensei; abandoning their gear in the courtyard. "You can't just say that and expect us not to ask questions!"

Master Wu simply sighed as he entered his quarters and wandered over to the shelf that contained the coloured ribbon bound scrolls. The ninja entered but stopped as they stood just inside the door.

"What are those?" Zane queried as he inched over.

"Scrolls that contain information about each and everyone one of my students."

"What sorta stuff is on the scrolls?" Lloyd continued.

"Information about family, powers, that sorta thing." Wu answered.

"There's one for each of us and they're colour coded too!" Jay beamed. "Blue for me, Grey for Nya, Black for Cole, White for Zane and red for Kai."

"But there's also a sage coloured one." Cole replied as he picked it up, only for Wu to take it from his grasp. "Who was coded as Sage?"

"Morro." Wu replied as he put the scroll back. "Now shoo."

The ninja turned as Wu shooed them out. Once out in the Hall, Nya hurried to Kai's room, only for the boys to follow with curiosity.

"Uh... Nya?" Jay hesitantly began as he peeked around the doorframe of Kai's room, to see the girl searching through her brother's belongings. "What Are You Doing?"

"Seeing if there's anything that can give us a clue to where Kai might've gone." Nya replied as she pulled clothes outta Kai's draws; demolishing the neatlt folded clothes.

"This Is An Invasion Of Privacy...!" Zane exclaimed as he held his hands by his chest. "We've never been in his room so there is no need for us to be going through his belongings without his verbal Permission!"

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