Chapter 18

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Nya's POV


"Kaiii!" I wine as I held a brown ball in my hands. I was standing inside the doorway of the small room he and I share. He was reading a scroll. "Come Play With Me!"

"Not right now, Nya." He replies, not even looking up.

I frown as my face starts to go red and tears start to form; a typical thing for a 5-year-old to do. I run out and down the path a bit. I slow to a stop and try to calm down. He never wants to play with me. All he cares about is reading that stupid story. I let out a little sigh and start to bounce the ball. I play for a bit but I misjudge where my hand touches the ball and it rolled down the hill to the rice fields.

I stare at it as it disappears. I'm not allowed to go to the Rice Fields without my brother but I wanted my ball back. I look back at the Blacksmith shop before I quickly run off. I wander around until I find the ball. I giggle and pick it up but find my self a bit lost. I look around as fear starts to set in my stomach.

"Kai...?!" I call out with a frightened tone as tears start to well. "Kai?! Kai, I'm lost!"

A lady, carrying to buckets on her shoulders with a bamboo rod wanders past and when she notices me, she abandons her duties and crouches by my side.

"What are you doing out here, sweetheart?" she asks sweetly.

"I came to get my ball but I think I'm a bit lost..." I sob.

"It's alright. Come with me and I'll take you back home." She stands up and offers her hand.

I'm a bit hesitant as Kai had always told me not to trust strangers, no matter how kind they seem. I take her hand regardless and, before I know it, she's taken me back to the small hill where home sat.

"Thank you, Miss!" I smile as I run towards the shop.

Once inside, I drop the ball and run into our room and into Kai's arms.

"Kai...!" I cry as I wrap my small arms around his skinny frame.

I feel his arms wrap around me and another place itself in my hair. He then stands up and lays me on the bed, under the covers with his Lion Plushie; Regal. He then sits next to me and reads out the story on the scroll as my eyes get heavy...

~Flashback Over~

3rd POV

Nya stood on the deck of the Bounty as the wind tussled her hair. They had left the Dark Woods but, instead of heading back to Ninjago; stopping at Shintaro on their way, the team decided to stick around incase anything happened.

Nya opened her hands to reveal the golden cloth that Kai had given her, but she noticed something wrapped withing it. Unwrapping it, she picked up a gem and held it between her pointer finger and thumb. She held it upwards and allowed the sun to reflect from the red jewel. A ruby from Kean. She went to place it back in the cloth when she notice an abnormality to the golden silk.

Placing the ruby in her pocket, she gripped both edges of the cloth and held it to the sun and gasped as she saw the most faintest hint of writing. She gripped the cloth and raced into the control bridge where everyone was gathered.

"I Found Something!" She exclaimed as she held the cloth in the air.

"What is it?" Skylor asked as the girl joined the group at the table.

"The cloth Kai gave me." She placed it on the table and pulled out the ruby before placing it down, too. "There was this ruby and, when I held the cloth to the sun, I saw the faintest writing on the cloth. I dunno what it says as it was barely even there, but I'm more confused as to why he gave it to me."

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