Chapter 25

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3rd POV

Kit stood in the room, all the boys share, with his shirt off andback to the door; lion tattoo faded instead of its deep inky black. Why couldn't he bring his lion form back? it's the only way to help his friends. To save the kingdom. The prophecy states that a figure with the features of a lion will defeat the Viperion.

He lit his oalms with fire. He stared at it for a while and his right hip started to somehow burn. Looking at said hip, the marks of a burn weaved around. Clenching his fist, he diffused the fire.

So many scars...

So much torture...

So many mental fuck overs...

He'll never be the same and he knows that. He knows that Skylor might see him differently, or even break-up, if she knew the things Aspiksar did to him from behind closed doors. He has trouble teusting people in certain situations, yes, but know? He's gonna have trouble trusting himself.

Fuck. He's got three different personas now! Kai the Ninja, Kearin the Prince and now Kit. Just... Kit. There could be many titles. Kit the Screw Up. Kit the Idiot. Kit the Disgusting. Kit the Feral. Kit the Deranged. Kit the Lonely... So many could fit with his current situation, yet neither seemed to fit how he should be portrayed. He heard a knock on the door.

"Kit...?" Came Pixal's voice. "Kit the team need you in Kean. They've been attacked by the Viperion and need your help."

Kit just stayed quiet. Pixal's face fell slightly. she didnt wantnto try and push him into it as she knew he was having some trouble accepting himself. She, instead, slipped away and lef the boy to sit on his bed in his own sould crushing sorrow.


They were struggling and it was plainly obvious, regardless of their additional skills. They had managed to free some of the prisoners and send them off to safety. The palace was a crime scene of sorts. Villagers lay slain on the ground. Blood scattered the cobblestones in an uneasy and unsettling painting.

Skylor was theown against a wall and slumped down next to a body. As she pulled herself up, she saw the face of the deceased. A child. A child that looked no younger than 3. Skylor's face was immediately laced with horror as she stopped up, hands to her mouth, and backed away. She was then caught in a headlock. Struggling to get the arms off of her, she reached down to her belt and pulled out a Kunai Knive and drove it into the side of her opponent.

Once they let her go, she spun around, ears flat against her head and tail swishing by her legs. She then threw another knife to distract the snake as she jumped and drove, yet another one, into their neck; teeth bared. Once the body fell to he ground, she stood up and raced off.

Cole swing his hammer and threw the side to the ground, causing a rumble through the surrounding earth. As the snakes became unsteady, the bear hybrid swung again and the weapon smadhed into the head of a snake; shattering their skull, before he brought the hammer down on each and every one of the snakes around him.

Lloyd, Morro and Zane were taking to the skys and diving with air strikes. Morro lifted on up by the collar of its clothing and rose into the sky.

"Any last words?" Morro mocked with the cliché phrase.

"Aspiksar wont let you win. She knows a part of the prophecy that has been hidden from you all!" the snake hissed. "And unless you can bring the prince to her, you have no chance-AHH!"

Morro watched as the snake fell, fast, towards the ground, only to be caught by Zane.

"We dont have to kill them, do we?!" Zane called.

"But that's part of the fun!" Morro smiled.

"Argh!" the snake growled. "Let go of me you bucket of bolts!"

"AAH!" Nya screamed as a snake crashed to the ground by her side; blood pooling out everywhere and the snakes's insides being revealed with broken bones that split through the skin. "ZANE?! YOU DID NOT JUST-!"

"He was mean." Zane replied, placidly, as he landed softly on his feet next to the girl.

"Ew!" Jay wined as he was revealed to be in the splash zone. "Now I've got snake blood on my new clothes! I hope this washes out!"

"You're worried about your clothes...?!" Lloyd exclaimed as he stabbed two snakes with his swords. "Zane just dropped someone outta the sky!"

"And we're talking about our Zane, right?!" Cole gasped as he punched a snake in the face before breaking it's legs and throwing it at another advancing snake.

"There's only one of me." Zane replied with an innocent voice. "So of course you'd only be referring to me."

"Damn Pixal's lucky."

"Where's Varian?!" Morro cried from the sky.

"He's with the rescued prisoners!" Skylor called as she threw three Kunai knives from each hand. "Where's Kit?!"

A teasing, manic laughter echoed through the area. The team gathered and got into readying battle stances as Aspiksar emerged from the smoke. The team frowned but Skylor was boiling with anger. She's messed with her boyfriend and turned him against himself. He's no longer the boy they all knew. He was self-consciousness and riddled with self-doubt.

She's messed with his mental and physical state. He no longer trains with them but only explains. He didn't want to return to his kingdom. He didn't want to see them get their Beast Forms. He was only a shell of what he once was. His spirit was fading with his light.

It wasnt fair on Kit.

It wasnt fair on his friends.

It wasnt fair on the team.

Wasn't fair on the kingdom.

It Wasnt Fair On Her.

As if sensing her initial anger, two roars ripped through the chaos; one from Cole and one from Lloyd. Fire burned inside of her. Fire burned on her palms as she activated her copy of Kit's fire.

"Now look what we have here!" Aspiksar teased. "A fox, a flying lizard, a white pigeon, a bat, a snake, a rat and a teddy bear!"

"Um, Excuse Me?!" Jay cried with a defensive tone. "I Am Not A RAT! I. AM. AN. OTTER!"

Jay went to charge at the Snake Queen but Cole gripped him by his scarf and collar. The bear hybrid didnt even flinch with his actions nor look at the squirming, blue clad, gremlin in his grasp.

"I Miss My Lion Prince~!" Aspiksar continued as she scrapped the tip of her spear, sharpening it, against the cobblestone. "You did well to down my soldiers. I didnt really want to do this to any of you but, considering you don't have my kitty? *sigh* You'll just have to do I guess." she then noticed how Skylor cause dthe fire in her hands to become larger. Aspiksar smirked and licked the spot where she had a missing fang. "You must be his dear little Skylor~! Now this will be fun."

The snake charged but was stopped as a figure in red dropped to his feet. Lion ears twitched as his tail flicked from side to side; their head down. They raised their weapon and the sun reflected off of the golden metal.

"Aah~!" Aspiksar hummed. "Now there's my little prince~!"

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