Chapter 5 - Carter

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“What would you like, Carter?” Liam asked, smiling at me. “I don’t want anything; I don’t have the money to pay for it.” “I’m buying,” “Fine, I’ll take an iced coffee please” I told the girl behind the counter and then walked over to take a seat at an empty table. Minutes later Liam came and sat across from me, setting my coffee in front of me as he took a sip of his hot chocolate. “I thought you came here for a coffee.” I stated, raising an eyebrow. “It sounds better asking to go for coffee rather than asking to go for hot chocolate. I don’t drink coffee, but I wasn’t sure if you did or not.” He laughed, setting his hot chocolate down on the table. “So, why did you invite me to get coffee? I’m a complete stranger.” “Well, I sort of tackled you in the alley, it’s the least I can do. Tell me about yourself.” He smiled, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. Why does he want to know about me? I just want to leave here and take a shower, I mentally groaned. “What do you want to know about me?” “Anything.” I don’t want to tell him anything. “I don’t really know what to tell about myself.” “Well, you could tell me why you’re lugging around a giant suitcase.” He laughed, looking at my suitcase that was now filthy from dragging it around everywhere. “I uh,” should I really tell him? I guess it couldn’t hurt. “I don’t currently have a home.” I said quietly, looking down at the table. “So, where are you staying?” he reached a hand forward to place over mine but I quickly drew back. “Uh, nowhere. I sold my laptop to get money to stay in a hotel.” “You can stay with me!” WHAT? I just met him, I’m not fond of him, we’re technically still strangers, yet he says I can stay with him? “I don’t know you. Plus, I’d feel like I’m invading your privacy or something by staying with you.” “We can get to know each other. And, you wouldn’t be invading my privacy at all. I don’t have people over a lot; the boys usually have me go to their place instead so you wouldn’t have to worry about being surrounded by people all the time.” As much as I want to say no, I can’t. I really need an actual place to stay, “Uhm, are you sure?” “Absolutely!” he grinned, revealing the small dimple in his left cheek. “Okay, but one thing, I hate being pestered and I hate people invading my privacy.” “I understand, I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” He nodded before taking another sip of his hot chocolate. I just agreed to live with Liam, a complete stranger who is close friends with my best friend. Shit! “Hey Liam?” “Yes?” “Josh Devine is your drummer right?” “Why yes, do you know him?” he tilted his head. “Uh, yeah.  Can you not tell him about me staying with you? I don’t want him to know.” “Uh, okay.” He nodded, looking confused. Oh my, Josh is going to kill me if he finds out. “Would you like to go?” “Yeah” I nodded, standing up and throwing my cup away and following Liam out the door.

“Here’s your bedroom.” Liam said, opening a door to a large bedroom furnished with a king size bed, a large dresser, a computer desk, and a flat screen TV mounted on the wall. Well, this is better than any room I have ever stayed in before. “Do you want me to show you around the flat?” “No, I’ll find my way around on my own. Thanks.” I said, not making eye contact with him. “O-okay. Uh, towels are in the closet and everything you need is in the bathroom.” He said quietly before quickly exiting the room. I feel terrible for being rude to him, but he needs to know I don’t plan on being friendly any time soon. I rummaged through my suitcase, looking for clean clothes and walking into the huge closet to grab a towel. Gee, it must be nice to be famous and be able to afford all of this. After grabbing a towel, I ran to the bathroom, peeling off my dirty clothes and hopping into the shower. Finally, I feel clean. This is glorious.

I sat down on the bed and looked around the room. I have no idea what to do, I sold my laptop so I can’t get on tumblr. All of my friends are at work or at school so I can’t text them. If I text Josh, he’ll ask where I am and probably want to hang out. I don’t like TV so that’s out of the question. I guess I’ll take a look around the flat. I slipped on my moccasins and shuffled out of the room, making my way down the part of the hallway I didn’t walk through on the way to my room. I looked in the first two rooms, the one of the left was another giant bathroom, and the one on the right was a game room decked out with all sorts of arcade games and a ping pong table. Well, there’s something to do. Nah, I’d still rather look around the flat. I kept walking down the hallway until I came to the last door in the hallway. I slowly opened it, revealing what I’m guessing was Liam’s room. It was set up similar to mine but it actually had things in it. I walked over to his nightstand which had a picture of him, Josh, and the other four boys of One Direction. They all were all so nice, I just wish I could get myself to stop being so hostile towards them. Maybe in time I’ll be able to open up to all of them or at least Liam, he has invited me, a complete stranger, to stay with him, the least I could do is be nice to him. “Ahem” Liam’s voice sounded behind me, causing me to jump and gasp. “I’m sorry. I” “It’s fine,” he laughed, looking down at my outfit. I was wearing a yellow hoodie, black tank top, printed leggings, and my moccasins, cute right? ( Not, I look like a slob. “No, it’s not fine. I was invading your privacy. I really shouldn’t have.” “Carter, it’s fine! It doesn’t bother me.” “Okay,” I nodded and then I heard my stomach make some un-human noise. Oh right, I haven’t eaten in 3 days. “Would you like some food?” Liam laughed, “I don’t think stomachs are supposed to make that noise.” “That’d be nice. Thank you.” I nodded, following him out of the room. Why is he so polite? I’ve basically been nothing but rude to him and I invaded his privacy yet he still acts like an angel towards me, hm.

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