Chapter 8 - Carter

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I woke up, feeling something shift beneath me. When I tried to move, I realized a pair of arms were wrapped securely around my waist. I looked down to see Liam peacefully sleeping under me. “Liam” I whispered in attempt to wake him up. I moved, trying to sit up, but Liam’s grip around my waist tightened. “Liam” I said a little louder, causing him to stir. “Leeyum” I said, sounding like a whiny toddler. “Yes?” he asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. “Good morning” I laughed, climbing out of bed. “Come back, I’m cold.” He whined. “Fine” I playfully huffed, climbing back into bed. “Good morning, beautiful” he grinned, leaning in and kissing my cheek. “Did you sleep well?” he asked, pulling me into his side. “Yes, I didn’t think I would. But, I guess since you were here to protect me I could sleep peacefully. I felt safe with you here with me.” I looked up at him and he looked back with an awestruck gaze. “That’s my job now, to protect you.” When he said that, butterflies raided my tummy. No guy I’ve ever been with has made me feel this way. But now, I’m with a guy I’ve only known for a week and he’s making me feel like I am on top of the world. “You’re blushing again” he whispered, running his thumb over my cheek. “You’re going to have to get used to it, I’m going to be blushing a lot.” “That’s okay; you’re cute when you blush.” I hid my face and I felt his chest vibrate with his adorable laugh. “I’m hungry” I groaned, setting a hand on my stomach and revealing my face. “Let’s go make food then” he said, taking my hand and walking towards the door. “Uh, I’m going to get dressed first. I’ll be there in a few minutes.” “Alright” he grinned, walking out of the room.

                I don’t understand my feelings for Liam. I like him, but then again I don’t. I’m scared to like him because he’s still new to me. I don’t know him very well, I don’t want to fall for him and end up getting hurt. I have a feeling that that’s what’s going to happen though. I walked over to my closet, pulling out a jumper and leggings, and changed into them, discarding the outfit from last night into the clothes hamper. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and walked into the kitchen. Liam had his back to me as he cooked something on the stove. I’ve already started to give him a chance, so why not just ride it out and see what this turns into.

                “I guess I won’t be helping you make breakfast” I laughed as Liam started putting food onto plates. “Sorry, I wanted to make you a proper breakfast.” He grinned, setting the plates on the breakfast bar. “Well, thank you. I’ll make dinner for you tonight” I smiled, grabbing a fork and taking a bite of my omelet.  “This is fantastic, thank you Liam.” “You’re left handed? And, you’re welcome.” He grinned. I looked down at my hands and looked back up to him, “Uh, yeah. I am holding the fork with my left hand aren’t I?” “Yes” he laughed, “Left handed people always seem to be more interesting, I think that explains you a little bit. Niall’s left handed, if you know who he is.” “Niall, he’s the blonde one in the band, right?” “Correct” he nodded, taking a bite of his omelet. “I’ve met him, didn’t speak to him though. I didn’t speak to any of the boys when I met them really.” “Why not?” “I don’t usually talk to guys.” “Why is that?” “Er, I have a fear of new males pretty much. My father is the reason for that fear. Because of him, I was scared that every guy I meet would hurt me in some way.” “Do you think I’m going to hurt you?” He looked at me with his big brown eyes. “I-I don’t know what to think of you yet.” I looked up to see a hurt expression on his face. “I want to like you, but because of my past it’s hard for me to. That’s why I’m giving you a chance to see what will happen.” When I said that, he looked down at me with joy in his eyes, “You’re giving me a chance?” I shyly smiled and nodded my head. “Thank you! Thank you so much.” He said, getting up and throwing his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer, something about his touch made me feel safe. I don’t know how long we stayed like that, but I was disappointed when he pulled away. “We should clean up.” He said and looked at the mess he had made while cooking breakfast. “I’ll clean up, you go relax. We should have a lazy day and get to know each other.” “That sounds great” he smiled, leaning down and leaving a kiss on my forehead before walking into the living room.

Once I finished washing all of the dishes I walked into the living room to see Liam sprawled out on the couch scrolling through Twitter on his phone. I walked over and sat on his stomach, flipping the telly on. “Carter, what are you doing?” he asked, setting his phone on his chest as he looked up at me. “I’m sitting on you while watching a film, what does it look like?” “It looks like I have a beautiful girl sitting on my stomach” he smiled, revealing the small dimple in his left cheek. “That sounds really weird, yenno.” “I don’t care.” He smirked and pulled me down to where I was laying on top of him. “You should let me watch the film.” “You should let me kiss you.” “Did I say you couldn’t?” I smiled, feeling my cheeks blush.  All he did was smile and shake his head before leaning up and pressing his mouth to mine. I cupped his cheeks in my hands as his hands rested on the small of my back. We were soon interrupted by someone barging through the front door. I pulled away from Liam to see a bewildered Niall standing in the doorway with a bag of food in his hand. I looked down at Liam, beginning to freak out before pushing myself up off of him. “I’m going to go to my room” I quietly whispered, heading towards my room until Liam gently grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. “I’ll make him leave.” He said, stroking my hair. “No, he’s your friend. You should spend time with him. I’m not worth ditching your friends.” “It’s not exactly ditching seeing how he came over uninvited. Carter, I can make him leave.” “No no no, it’s fine. I’ll just hang out in my room, call Jade up or something.” “Alright, I’ll make him leave soon though.” He said, looking at me with apologetic eyes before kissing my forehead and letting me walk to my room.

I got inside and pressed my back to the door, sliding down until I was sitting on the floor. My plans to have a relaxed, chill day with Liam are now ruined. I walked over to my bed, picking my phone up from the bedside table. I had 2 missed calls from Jade, and a few texts from her. After reading them I realized she was trying to tell me that Josh was sorry. But, if he wants to apologize he’ll have to say it to my face. He’s the least of my worries right now. I’m scared that Niall is going to tell the other boys about what he walked in on. I don’t really want anyone to know right now seeing how it’s nothing official. Obviously, people are going to find out soon seeing how Liam is world famous and always being followed around. I’m surprised there’s not people asking me about us already seeing how we went on a date in public last night. If we become an official thing, I don’t know how I’m going to deal with the hate. Hopefully, if that ever happens he will be there for me. He seems like a pretty good guy so far, he’ll protect me. Right? I don’t even know right now. I scrolled through my Facebook messages, replying to some of the ones that were from some old friends. A lot of the messages were from people asking me why I dropped out of school. It’s none of their business, so they don’t have the right to know.  I was interrupted by Liam knocking on the door, asking to come in. “Come in” I called, crawling away from the door over to the bed. “Carter? Why are you on the floor?” Liam asked, giving me a puzzled look. “I don’t know, it’s comfy.” I shrugged, running a hand over the soft, plush carpet. “Are you still up for that lazy day?” “Is Niall going to tell the other boys about what he walked in on?” “Er, no. I asked him not to because I know you wouldn’t want them to know right now.” “Thank you. Then yes, I’m still up for a lazy day. Can it be in here? I don’t want to leave my room.” “That’s fine. I’m going to go grab some  movies, I’ll be right back.” He grinned, quickly walking out of the room. I climbed onto my bed and settled under the fluffy blankets, curling up into a ball. For some reason it was always freezing in my room and I don’t know why. “I’m back, which movie do you want to watch?” he asked, holding up Toy Story 1-3, Across The Universe, and Finding Nemo. I’m in a kid mood, so I want to watch the kid movies. “Let’s start with Toy Story 1” “Great choice” he nodded, placing the DVD in the DVD player before jumping onto the bed and curling up under the covers with me. “Scoot closer” he urged, holding his arms out, waiting for me to be in his arms. I slowly scooted over, resting my head on his shoulder as the movie started. He rested his head against mine and started quoting the lines as soon as the movie started. I can already tell this is going to be a great day with him. 

HELLO! I know I said that the updates would be more frequent but they haven't been yet. They will be though! I put one of my fanfics on hold so I could focus on this one and She's Not Afraid. I've been meaning to finish this chapter since Monday, but there's been many things happening. 

Thank you all for reading so far!

Love you all!

Shout out to Katty because she has given me the most feedback on this story. <3

Love you, Katty!

~Christi. xx 

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