Chapter 15 - Carter

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"You know, each time we've tried to get to know each other more, we get interrupted somehow." I pointed out as I took a seat next to Liam on the couch.

"Well, we won't have that problem today. So, let's get to know each other more." he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Favourite colour?"

"Purple, yours?"

"Green. Or pink. Or yellow. I don't know, one of those three colours."

"Ah, alrighty then. Favourite movie?"

"Bruce Almighty or Finding Nemo. Yours is Toy Story" I grinned up at him, proud of myself for knowing his favourite movie.

"Those are good movies, two very different types though" he laughed.

"Favourite song?"

"Don't really have a favourite. What about you, love?"

"Basically any song by John Mayer or Michael Bublé"

"Good taste in music." he smirked.

"Do you mind if I ask about past relationships?"

"You can as long as I'm allowed to ask about yours." he nodded and awaited the next question.

"What was your longest relationship?"

"A little over two years, with a girl I met while on X Factor."

"Was that the Danielle girl?"

"Yeah, how'd you know? he arched an eyebrow, probably super confused since he knows I knew nothing about the him or the boys when I first met him.

"I didn't know much about you or the boys so I looked you guys up. I looked you up and articles about you and a girl named Danielle were everywhere." I got a little embarrassed at the fact that I told him about me searching him and the boys on the internet, he could obviously tell I was embarrassed because he chuckled a bit before squeezing my shoulders.

"Yeah, things just didn't work out. Me being on tour and her having to go on different tours and shows for dancing, we never saw each other. We got a dog together, but he's hers now." his face fell when he talked about the dog.

"I'm sorry. We should get a dog" I looked back up at Liam and he had a smirk on his face.

"Really? This early?"

"Why not? I shrugged, "I'll be around a lot, you won't have to worry about leaving the dog while you're on tour. It'd be fun."

"Maybe we can go to a pet shop later, after we get to know each other more. Anyways, what was your longest relationship?"

I had to think for a moment because I've only dated two guys and both of them lasted about the same. "It was about a year. I ended things because my dad made me."

"Why? If you don't mind me asking."

"I was always over at Andrew's house with him and his family and my dad didn't like it. He didn't like it because he knew I was happy and because he didn't have anyone to beat on. He threatened to hurt me even more than he usually did if I didn't end things so I ended it. Well, we were kind of secretly dating for a while after but that ended and we just went to being friends."

"Ah, I see. What was your like, social status in school?"

That's kind of an odd question.

"I uh, I guess I was kind of popular. I tried to be friends with everyone and it usually worked out. How about you?" I imagine him as one of the friendly jocks all the girls swooned over.

"I was actually kind of an outcast. I was bullied quite a bit."

I was shocked. As outgoing and friendly as he is, I would have never guessed that he was bullied. He just gives off this vibe that makes you automatically like him. Maybe he's so nice because he doesn't want anyone to go through what he did and not have anyone.

"Oh..." I looked down at the hand in his lap and instantly laced my fingers with his. I didn't really know what to say. Liam squeezed my hand and smiled down at me.

"It's fine, love. It's quite common, sadly. I got through it and now I'm here today, with you and success I never thought I'd have, so I'm happy." he leaned down and pecked my lips, squeezing my shoulder before standing up. He's so adorable.

"Let's go get us a puppy" Liam had a huge smile on his face as he lent me a hand to help me up off the couch.

"Can we go to a shelter instead of a shop?"


"Alright, let me go get dressed real quick"


"Awe, look at him! He's so cute!" I crouched down to a cage that had a puppy inside, he looked like a miniature golden retriever.

Liam crouched down beside me and stuck his hands through the cage, the puppy immediately came over and started licking his hand.

"He is pretty cute" Liam agreed, smiling as the puppy started playing with his hand. Seeing Liam with the puppy was absolutely adorable.

"We should get him" As soon as I said that, a volunteer from the shelter walked up behind us with a huge smile on her face.

"Are you two interested in adopting him?" She asked sweetly.

"Yes. Do you by chance know what kind of dog he is?" Liam asked, pulling his hand away from the cage which made the puppy start whining and pawing at the bars of the cage.

"He's a cocker spaniel, golden retriever mix. They don't grow to be very big, they're almost like forever puppies." Once she told us he would basically be a forever puppy, I wanted him even more. Liam continued conversing with the lady and getting the adoption worked out as I talked to the puppy, trying to get his attention. He wouldn't come over to me, He just kept pawing at the cage trying to get to Liam. Once he realized Liam wasn't going to turn around soon, he let out a loud bark, scaring me and Liam.

"Well, that bark doesn't go with your size" Liam laughed and turned around to pet the puppy.

I looked up at the lady, "Can we get him out of the cage?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go get the papers, I'll bring them back and once you sign them he's all yours." she practically skipped off to an office area leaving me and Liam alone with the puppy that was now in my arms.

"What should we name him?" Liam asked as he smiled at the puppy.

"We should name him Duke" I don't know why, but I've always wanted to get a puppy and name him Duke.

"Duke. I like that name." he nodded with a smile on his face as he wrapped an arm around my waist. The lady walked back in with papers in her hand and a grin on her face.

"Have you guys thought of a name?"

"Yup, Duke."

"That's a cute name!" she squealed, "Just sign right here and right there then you're free to go." she handed Liam the clipboard, he quickly signed them and handed it back.

"Thank you" I nodded and started walking towards the door with Liam.

"Should we show the boys today?"

"Sure, let me call them and have them meet us at our flat"



Hope you enjoy this chapter c:

Thanks for reading, loves!

-Christi. xx

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