Chapter 10 - Carter

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"H-hello", I nervously stuttered as the boys sat next to Liam and I.

"Hello, love. Nice to see you again", Louis greeted with a warm smile on his face.

The other chipped in warm greetings then gave Liam questioning looks, probably wondering as to why I'm here.

"Hi lads," Liam smiled, not taking notice to their questioning looks. I looked at Niall who was intently staring at the tv, probably so he wouldn't seem suspicious to the boys seeing how he walked in at an awkward time earlier.

"Do you and Carter have a thing going on?" Louis blurted, earning himself hard stares from Zayn and Niall while he received a smack upside the head from Harry."I'm just wondering," he shrugged innocently.

Liam looked at me waiting for some kind of approval so I slightly nodded my head, signaling I was fine with them knowing about whatever it was that was going on between me and him.

I didn't even know exactly what was going on between us. I mean, yeah we act like we are dating or something, but then we act like friends, then back to dating, then I go to hate him. He's still new to me, and even though he's still new, I wish that whatever we have was official. Not just something that's on the side.

"Yeah, I guess so;" he grinned and wrapped an arm around my waist. I let out a deep breath, not even realizing until then that I was holding it.

"Well, that's cute." Zayn said, looking at us. Once he said that I felt my cheeks quickly starting to heat up so I hid my face in Liam's shoulder.

"Still shy I see," Harry laughed, poking my side and causing me to flinch.

"You okay, love?" Liam asked in a hushed voice, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." I nodded, forcing a smile onto my face. I'm not fine, I'm nervous as hell. Sure these boys act as if they like me, but they don't know me. They could hate me once they get to know me.

Liam looked at me like he was unconvinced, "Carter you don't have to stay in here and hang out with the boys. We can go hang out in the game room or in my room if you'd like."

"No," I shook my head, "I'm not making you hang out with rather than the boys just because I'm a little uncomfortable."

"We can leave if you'd like." Harry said, looking around at the other boys.

"No no no, I'm just not used to new people. Don't mind me." I smiled.

They all just nodded and stared at Liam waiting for him to say something

"I ordered pizza, it should be here soon." Liam said, completely changing the subject. His statement made the boys crack up laughing which then caused Liam to give them a questioning look.

"I think they found it funny how you just changed the subject so nonchalantly," I giggled, scooting closer to him.

"Oh, well then." He looked down at his lap as his cheeks turned red out of embarrassment.

"You're cute when you blush, Liam."

"You're cuter though," he shot me an adorable crooked grin before slightly squeezing my waist.

"Aw, look at the two love birds!" Louis cooed, pointing to me and Liam.

"Louis, stop embarrassing them." Harry scolded, smacking his arm.

"Alright." He whined, rubbing his arm.

"I'm going to go get some food." Niall announced, walking towards the kitchen.

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