Chapter 12 - Carter

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"So, you and Liam?" Caroline wiggled her eyebrows in some sort of suggestive way.

"What about us?" I turned my attention to the clothing rack to hide how happy I was.

"When did that happen?" she squealed.

"Officially, last night." I smiled while thinking about the lovely moment when it happened.

"How did you two meet? Did Josh introduce you two after rehearsals?"

"No. We actually met in an alleyway, as creepy as it sounds. He was being chased by fans and he ended up tackling me behind a dumpster."

"Well that's odd. How did getting tackled by Liam lead to you two dating?" She quirked an eyebrow as she pulled out a few black shirts for Josh.

"Well, when he tackled me, I was actually on my way to sell something so I'd have enough money to pay for a hotel for a few nights. I walked out of the pawn shop after our encounter to see that he had followed me and waited for me. He offered to go for coffee, found out I was homeless, offered me to stay with him, and our relationship just stemmed from that" I shrugged, pulling out a tank top that Niall would like.

"Aw, that's cute." she cooed, "You two are a very cute couple. I'm glad Harry didn't try to get to you. You're too sweet to have to deal with the load of drama that comes with having interaction with Harry." she rolled her eyes and walked over to a table that had what I guessed to be her Starbucks drink setting on it.

"The boys will be in here within the next minute, I'd take cover before you get trampled." she nodded her head towards the door which I was standing in front of so I quickly ran over to the couch and sat down, looking towards the door, waiting for the boys. Within 30 seconds you could hear the boys stampeding down the hallway and then they all piled into the room. Liam stopped in the doorway and looked around, his eyes stopped on me and a smile spread onto his face. He took a few steps towards the couch and jumped over the back, landing next to me. I immediately sprawled my legs out across his lap and smiled at him. The rest of the boys settled down onto the couch and floor and had their own conversations.

"How'd rehearsals go?"

"Good. You should have came and watched."

"I will next time" I sent him a small smile before laying back, careful not to hit my head of the end table, and basically hanging off of the arm of the couch. I saw someone from the corner of my eye, crawling towards the couch, I didn't really have any thought about it so I closed my eyes and tried relaxing. I was fine until I felt someone's fingers wriggling in my sides. I squeaked and shot up, hitting my head on the end table, causing me to wince before smacking the hands at my sides. I looked down to the ground to see Louis clutching his stomach as he cracked up laughing.

"Louis you little shit!" I flicked his forehead before rubbing mine, trying to make the pain go away.

"That. was so. funny" Louis gasped.

I sent him a glare before turning my attention to Liam, "Why didn't you stop him?" My voice sounded harsh and cold which made Liam panic. I didn't mean to sound that way, but his reaction was amusing.

"I-I-I didn't know he was going to do that" his voice was shaking and he looked like a lost puppy dog. I think he thought I was genuinely mad at him.

"I wasn't really mad at you" I laughed, setting a hand on his shoulder, calming him down, "However, I am mad at Louis." I glared at him again before smiling at Liam, reassuring him that I wasn't mad.

Harry got up from his spot across the room and walked over to us, plopping down next to Louis.

"Let's go out tonight." Harry said gleefully, looking around at all of us.

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