Chapter 11 - Carter

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After taking in the incredible moment and processing what just happened, I pulled back and looked at Liam. Once he saw my expression he seemed to go into panic mode.

"What's wrong, Carter?" his voice was filled with worry as he looked at me.

"Don't we need to talk about this? Being in a relationship with you definitely isn't going to be like a regular relationship. I kind of need some warnings or something," I nervously laughed, slouching down and looking at my hands that were now playing with the frayed ends of my hair.

"Carter" Liam said, brushing loose hair behind my ear and lifting my chin up so I was making eye contact with him. "I know that this isn't going to be exactly normal and I know you'll need some time to get used to things, but I promise I'll be here every step of the way. No matter what it takes."

I could tell that he meant everything he said just by the way he was looking at me. But, I still had a question that needed to be answered. "How am I supposed to deal with the hate? Don't say I won't get any, because I know for a fact that I will."

"You just have to show that you're the bigger person and don't even acknowledge them. Don't let anyone bring you down. If you're ever upset because of hate, just remember that the boys and I are here for you."

Just be the bigger person...I think I can do that. I've had to do it while living with my father, I think I can handle being more mature than the majority of the preteen population of the world.

I looked up at Liam and smiled, "I think I can do that."

A grin spread across his face, making his adorable brown eyes light up and he cupped my face in his hands, "I know you can" he whispered before kissing the tip of my nose. My eyes fluttered shut as his lips left, leaving a tingling sensation where they were pressed.

"Do you want to go to rehearsals with me tomorrow?" Liam asked, pulling me out of my little day dream state.

"What am I supposed to do if I go?"

"Watch me and the boys goof around or maybe Caroline will let you work with her again."

"How did you know I worked with Caroline?" I raised an eyebrow. He wasn't there the first and only day I worked for her.

"Harry and Niall kept talking about some shy, fit girl that Josh knew and brought into the studio. I asked them why she came and they said to work with Caroline. When you asked me about Josh I knew you were who they were talking about." he smirked and poked my tummy, making me hunch over and giggle.

"Sure, I'll go to rehearsals with you. Can we go to bed now?"

"Alrighty" Liam laughed, picking me up and carrying me to his bedroom.

-next day-

"Carter. Carter, wake up. Carrterrr" Liam whined, patting my shoulder.

"I'm up I'm up" I groaned, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"You should probably get ready, we need to leave in 30 minutes" Liam said, looking over at the clock on his bedside table.

"Alright" I groaned, getting up from his bed and shuffling slowly to my room.

After trying on many outfits and hating all of them, I finally decided on a white, lace, quarter sleeve shirt with a black peter pan collar and black high waisted shorts. I slipped on my brown oxfords and ran to my bathroom so I could fix my hair and makeup. Luckily my hair wasn't too bad so so I had to do was straighten my bangs. Since I'm lazy, I didn't put much makeup on, just some mascara and lip gloss.

"Carter are you almost done?" Liam asked, lightly knocking on the bathroom door.

I looked myself over one more time in the mirror, nodding in approval and opened the door, smiling at Liam. "All done"

"You look beautiful, as always." he grinned before reaching behind me and stitching off the bathroom light.

"Well thank you" I cheekily smiled before taking his hand and locking our fingers together.

"No problem, M'lady. We need to hurry so we're not late" he urged, dragging me behind him as we jogged out of the flat.

"Hey, look who decided to show up!" Harry shouted as Liam and I walked into the same room I was in my first day of work.

"We're only 3 minutes late." Liam said, quickly looking at his watch making sure he was accurate.

"Carter!" Caroline called out as she walked out from behind a clothes rack.

"H-hi Caroline" I waved, cheeks heating out of embarrassment for stuttering.

"Come to work with me today?"

"If you want me to" I nodded.

"Of course I do! Love the outfit by the way, very Taylor Swift like." The boys except for Harry started sniggering and laughing as they looked to Harry who was turning bright red.

"Erm, am I missing something?" I turned to Liam who was trying to compose himself.

"Harry and Taylor had a thing."

"You dated Taylor Swift? THE Taylor Swift?" I asked in complete shock.

"It was nothing" he mumbled with a wave of his hand.

"Alrighty then" I nodded, looking at Liam who was smiling at Harry.

"We should get to rehearsals, have fun with Caroline, love." Liam said, kissing my cheek and walking out of the room, the other boys following behind him.

I started walking over to Caroline but bumped into someone on the way. I looked up to see Josh standing there, looking at me apologetically. I sighed in frustration and tried walking away but Josh caught my arm and spun me around.

"Carter, I'm really sorry. What I did was out of hand. All I was trying to do was look after you."

"It's fine, Josh. I just wanted you to understand I can do things on my own. I didn't want or need your help."

"I understand" he paused, looking to the ground then back up at me, "Do you hate me?"

"Absolutely not. I was just irritated. Thanks for apologizing."

"No problem"

"You should get to rehearsals, Josh. The boys are waiting" I sheepishly smiled and pointed to the group of boys standing in the doorway.

"Oh, yeah. Can I have a hug? I miss my best friend hugs."

"Of course" I laughed, throwing my arms around him and squeezing really tight. A chorus of cheers erupted from the boys as Josh and I hugged.

"You're friends again, yay! Now get your arse to rehearsals!" Niall shouted causing me to laugh and push Josh towards the door.

"See you boys later!" I waved.

Liam stopped and let his right eye drop into a wink before running after the boys.

Oh my


Hello loves!

I'm so sorry if this is a short update, I'm on my phone, so I can't tell how long the chapters are.

Thanks for reading.

Shout out to Summer, because I love her and all.


Thanks for reading, loves.

-Christi. xx

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