Chapter 3

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The next morning me and Kathryn had fallen asleep at 12:30am and woke up at 9:00 .
We were both laying in my bed as we were on my laptop talking to Daren .
"So what's up ?" I asked
"Oh..not much." He said back .
" what's it like over there ?" He asked.
"Boring" I said.
"Naw it can't be that boring " he said back.
" is "I said .
"Mm..well I'm sure it has it's ups and downs ." He stated.
"Kathryn! Kali ! Time for breakfast !" My mom yelled from downstairs.
"Hey Darin we need to go eat we'll be back ." I told him.
"Ok."he replied .
I closed my laptop and headed downstairs with Kathryn .
"He's so nice !" She said sitting up at the bar next to me.
"I know!" I sad smiling.
My mom both handed us a plate with eggs and toast and bacon on it and walked back into her bedroom to get dressed.
"I Cant wait to see where it goes between you two." She said mischievously smiling .
I let out a small laugh.
Jest then we heard someone walk in through the door .
It was Marilyn.
She set the keys back onto the hook and walked over to us and propped her elbows on the counter
"Sup." she said
"Not much."I said as I took a bite of my toast .
She nodded and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch and pulled out her phone .
"What did you girls do ?"she asked .
"We jest talked to people on the web."I said looking at Kathryn.
" anybody ?"she asked.
Before I could say anything Kathryn blurted out."Yeah she did! A guy named Darin." She said smiling and then stuffed a mouthful of eggs into her mouth.
Marilyn paused from texting and looked up from the screen.
"..Darin?.."she stuttered.
" ok?"I asked studying her reaction.
"Uhh..YEAH! Sorry ...jest got into a strange daze....i'm fine."she said as she quickly got up and went up to her room and closed the door behind her .
I turned back around in my seat and looked at Kathryn.
She looked back at me as she put another mouthful of eggs in her mouth, and with an blank expression she looked away for a second and then got up from her seat .
"Come on! Let's go talk to Darin .." She said smiling.
I got up from my seat and followed her up to my room.
We got on my bed and I opened my laptop and sent him a message saying hey .
"Do you think he's still there ?" I asked .
"I don't know..maybe" she shrugged .
Jest then he replied saying
"Hey what's up?"
"Not much jest wen to go eat breakfast" I said back .
"Cool. Welcome back !"he teased .
"Lol.thx "I said .
Me and Kathryn had talked to Darin for a long time. At least for four hours.
"Wow. I feel like I have known you my whole life." I told him.
"Well maybe we will meet real soon."he said with a winkey face.
I thought that was kinda weird.
"Why did he put an winkey face ?" I asked Kathryn.
"Oh..he's probably-jest excited that we want to be his friends and he wants to meet us."she said quickly as if to change the subject.
I sat there for a minute taping the space bar think of what I should say.
Kathryn looked at the screen.
"What are you going to say?"she asked as she shifted around next to me .
I chewed the inside of my cheek.
..."yeah!..when we're only enuph to right?. " I said back .
"Really?! Why did you say that ?" she asked a little annoyed.
"Well what should have I said ?" I asked her.
"I don't know..."she said shrugging.
Jest then he replied .
"Can't wait for that day to come. Hey girls I have to go..I'll talk to you later . Bye!"he said.
I told him bye and closed my laptop.
"What's wrong?"Kathryn asked looking at me .
I shook my head and stared off into space .
"Come on! What have we got to worry about ?! We can trust this guy! He's like ....the best friend you never had !!!...only that would be me .."she said laughing.
I let out a weak laugh .
She put her hand on my shoulder .
"Come on let's go outside and get some fresh air ! "She said getting up.
I nodded and followed her downstairs.
We went out onto the screen porch and laid down in the hammocks .
I slightly swung in it side to side .
We laid there in silence.
I want to trust Darin...but I jest don't think I've known him long enough to trust him.

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