Chapter 24

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I froze.
"What?" I asked
Darin laid back on the couch and let out an long frustrated sigh.
I walked over to the couch and sat down next to him.
"What are you talking about?"
I Asked.
He sighed again and sat up.
"I think you deserve to know the truth." He said.
He looked at me.
"Marilyn is trying to kill you."
"W-what?-" I asked with disbelieve.
He nodded.
"I want you to take this all in slowly." He said.
"Marilyn and Kathryn were born at different times from the same mother but not the same father. Marilyn was the daughter of one and Kathryn was the daughter of another.
And they grew up in a rough childhood but they never left each other's side.
And then once they were old enough to understand that they had two separate dads that both left them. they got really mad. And one day there mother found out the father of Marilyn's dad got married and had another baby-And that baby..was you." He said.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"Wait-what?" I Asked.
"I know it's weird. But you have to believe me." He said.
"I do." I said unsure.
"There mom got really jealous and started drinking. And soon she got so drunk that she went over to his house and tried to kill him. But it went really bad..and He ended up killing her instead but out of defense. And He wasn't charged with murder.
that made Kathryn and Marilyn's blood boil. they wanted revenge. He had taken everything they had and loved and they wanted to do the same to him.
So they were put up for adoption.
The wife wanted to take back Marilyn because she was technically there's. but they couldn't get Kathryn to because having three girls would be to much to handle.
Marilyn and Kathryn planned to stay in touch. And when Kathryn got adopted she wasn't far. Later they set up the so called friendship with you just so they could get closer to you.
So as the years went by and they got older and so did you they decided to put there plan into place. So they got me to kidnap you so that nobody would suspect anything."
He said.
"But how does mom and dad not notice that I'm gone??" I Asked.
He looked down and didn't say anything for a second.
"Why don't they know I'm gone?" I Asked again.
-killed them." He said.
My heart felt like it was gunna explode.
"HOW IS THIS EVEN REAL?!?!"I said getting up angry and confused.
"I didn't think she was gunna take it that far and that's when I dropped out." He said.
"And that's why you were gone all the time? Because you were with my sister plotting my death?"I asked trying to hold my anger in.
"Ok-you can move the words around and make anything sound bad-but that's not how it was." He said.
I sat back down.
I was so frustrated.
How could this happen and me not know about it ?! Now my life is in danger!-it was from the START.
I may as well just grab the gun and shoot myself in the head!!....that is if Marilyn and Kathryn don't do it first.

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