21. Taking Up Space

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One morning, Huckleberry Hound was sitting at the kitchen table eating eggs and bacon and sipping on a cup of orange juice while reading the newspaper. But when he saw a certain headline, he couldn't help but erupt into laughter. It read "Scientists Test New Space Travel Theory: Could We Soon Reach the Moon?"

Huck couldn't stop laughing over reading the article. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" he chortled. "A rocket to the moon? What a load of chicken scratch! Everyone knows it's impossible to fly to the moon!" He nearly fell from the table as he continued to laugh it up. "I'm tellin' ya', people will believe in all kinds of crazy things!"

After he'd finished eating breakfast, he took the newspaper over to his favorite chair. "Oh well...let's see that ol' sports section. I wonder how those Angels played against the Dodgers last night!"

Just then the phone rang. Huck put the paper down and answered. "Howdy, Huckleberry Hound speakin'!"

"Hey, Huck! It's Mr. Jinks!"

"Jinks! How are ya?"

"Great! Uh, listen. How would you like to come with us to the museum today? Yogi said they've got a new exhibit that shows what things might be like in the future!"

"A new exhibit!? Leapin' lizards!! I wouldn't wanna miss that for the moon! Can't talk, Jinksy! I'm on my way!"

Huck hung up the phone and ran outside, hopped on his scooter and wheeled on over to the museum. His friends all arrived just moments after he had gotten there.

"We're here, Huck!" Pixie and Dixie called.

"Here we are!!" Yogi Bear added.

"Fellers, you're just in time!!" Huck beamed. "I wanna see that new exhibit!"

"Me too!" Jinks said. "But uh...let's not forget my favorite part of the museum. I really want to go and see those Egyptian cat statues too!"

"Of course, Jinks," Boo-Boo smiled.

"You always wanna see something related to cats," Huck laughed.

"Yeah, because cats are like...the revolutionary species! You might be man's best friend, but without us, humans wouldn't have been able to save their grain from miserable rodents!"

"Hey!" Pixie snapped.

"Like uh...no offense meant to you two, fellas!" Jinks said sheepishly.

Huck laughed. "Come on, y'all. Let's head on inside!"

So they all made their way into the museum and paid for their tickets. They saw the Egyptian cat statues and other artifacts, shiny crystals and jewels, dinosaur bones, historical tools and instruments and all sorts of fascinating things. Finally they came up to the new exhibit, which was dedicated to the theory of exploring outer space. There was even a real meteorite on display!

"Wow!!" Huck cried. "Look at all of this!! There's for-real space rock! And look at these pictures of the stars, and look! The moon!!"

"It says that scientists all over the world are testing the possibility of going into space!" Boo-Boo said, excitedly looking over what the exhibit said. "But they say they have to build a high-powered rocket ship to get there!"

"A rocket ship? Like those things from the movies?" Dixie asked.

"Ooh, I wonder if there are little green men in outer space too!" Pixie wondered.

Huck chuckled. "I think that's all make-believe, fellers. But I still wonder what it would be like to see the stars and the moon up close!"

"You're not thinking about building a rocket, are you?" Pixie asked.

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