The Dragon

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 I have a stuffy nose and dry throat, ugh, every day with the same old thing. I wake up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. Like everyday; a piece of toast, two eggs and a glass of murky water.

" Hey mom, good morning," I said while running down the stairs.

" Good morning sweetie, how are you?"

" I'm fine. So today's Monday I guess its my day to go out into the fields. What do I need to get for today? I've been missing a couple socks so I guess I'll look for that."

"We're kind of running low on food and water. Also try to get a toy for your little sister, she needs a new one; she broke the last one."

" OK," I say while sitting at the table. I don't really like the fields but if it's between the fields and staying home and to be honest I rather go to the fields. I don't like going alone so I'm just going to stop by a friends house before I leave. So I just eat as fast as I can, I can't wait to leave.

I go to the door and quickly put on my shoes, they're a little bit boring and almost dead but they'll last for another 2 weeks. I kiss my moms goodbye and quickly run out the door.

I know exactly where my friend lives since I've been there a million times. As I get closer I see Maysong waiting for me right outside the door.

"Ready to go," I ask while running up to her.

"Ready Freddy!" We grab our things and head out. May and I have been friends since we were five years old. Actually, as a matter of fact, I can't remember much before then. Anyway, we talk about almost everything on our way to the Ruble Fields. The air is thick and the sky is covered with dark orangy-brown clouds, like it is almost every day. Sometimes if we're lucky we'll see beyond the clouds to a murky colored sky and once in a long, long, long while we might actually be blessed with the sight of the stars for a couple seconds. I sometimes find picture books with drawings of how life used to be before the destruction of someone called Mother Nature. This 'Mother Nature' is always described as the most beautiful woman(...thing...?) in the entire universe. She had 'trees', 'flowers', and many wonders. May and I dream of someday finding a real life tree.

"Earth to Krysta," May half yells in my ear.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"OK, whatever. Hey, we better get looking if we want to get everything before sunset."

"Yeah, okay." As we work we talk and play and daydream. We aren't the only ones, there are people looking for things that might be useful. After I don't know how many years, useful stuff is getting scarce and the Ruble Fields are getting more and more dangerous, with the mutated creatures coming out earlier and earlier in the day. Did I mention that the days are also getting shorter?

While in a daze of reading a newfound book May suddenly screamed out my name. I then realized just how late it was and how we were the last ones there. May ran towards me. I put my hands out thinking it was a hug but I found myself being knocked over. I hit my head against something cold, so hard that my vision went blurred.

My vision recovered to the sound of my best friend screaming, wind in my face and a massive headache. I felt something strange around my waist. I look down to see I'm hundreds of feet above the ground. I suck in air but I still feel oxygen deprived. I grabbed on to what was holding me just to realize that it was cold and scaly. I looked up to see a giant creature with wings and a long tail.

May was still screaming things I couldn't understand but I knew they were aggressive profanities, so honestly I don't what's better. I looked in her direction just to see her being held by a golden creature with cold grey eyes. I had seen such creatures in story books. They were called dragons in the mid-evil themed books. I held on tight to the beast's claws not wanting to fall. I tried to ignore the strong wind and tried to see just where we were going.

Just then the black dragon carrying me blew out a ring of fire far in front of us. As we were quickly approaching it, I realized that on the other side of that ring there were trees!!! The sky was gray and there was no ruble. There was a river and a cool breeze is blowing through! We go through the ring and it's like a dream.

In the distance there's a little house made of wood and stone like in the books! There're two horses in a pin on one side of the house and three piles of straw on the other. Actually, I think there might just be a stable and a well! I never thought I would see one in real life!

I guess that's where they are taking us because we start to descend as we get closer, for reasons unknown they let us go! It's as though time slowed down. May and I slowly fall, it's more or less kind of peaceful. That is until the realization of imminent doom hits me like a splash of cold water in the face. Time speeds back up to normal and now I was screaming at the top of my lungs! I can't breath! My chest hurts and I feel weak. I put my hands in front of my face as I fall. I hit a prickly place before I hit the hard ground. I felt a sharp pain in my left arm and I again hit my head. Everything fades into nothing but strangely this feels very peaceful.


Hi, I will try to update a couple chapters here and there because a second book is on it's way. Share this story to friends! Favorite and comment! ♡♡♡


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