A Tragic Past

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"It has been 50 years since the day you were taken from my arms. It was for your own good but it still felt as if my heart had been ripped from my very chest." 50 years? They have to be pulling at my leg. But I am intrigued. "Those monsters attacked the castle and the royal sorcerer arranged our departure. For us it would be to flee and live with our most trusted allies. Unfortunately for you it was to be sent to the future. A place far enough away that the devils themselves wouldn't even exist."

At this I burst into laughter. "Do you mean to tell me that a magic old man sent me into the future? To escape an uprising of devils? Pardon my laughter but this is just too ridiculous to believe." I look deep into her eyes knowing she herself couldn't even be 50 years old. Her eyes draw me in, close enough to see her soul, her heart, her very being.

"Krysta, everything I said is true. Every word, every letter, it is all true." Her eyes let me know that she is indeed telling the truth. With the wave of her hand every living soul gets up and leaves the banquet hall. Out of the shadows though, walks out a handsome young man. "I will show you your life before the attacks."

The man moves what seems to be a silver plate the size of a mirror behind the queen an without wasting another second raises a blade to the nape of her neck drawing her red liquid of life. I gasp in surprise. I don't know what to do. In a quick and smooth motion, he swings the blade back making the hot blood splatter against the giant silver plate. As if it were acid, it bubbles before being absorbed by the rare metal. Still it doesn't leave any sign of ever being there. 

"Oh dear, look at your wide eyes. Not to worry, I am fine. Focus on the looking glass and you will see the answers to your questions as far as I can answer them." I look into what she called the looking glass to see a child being brought closer.


Congratulations my lady, it's a baby girl! Oh, isn't she just a blessing? She is an absolute beauty.

She has great power. I believe she will so great things in her life.

I think so too. Thank you, I wish to be alone with my princess now. I will call if I need anything.


Your majesty, may I introduce my son, Kairo.

Well, he looks like a fine young man.

I brought him along with me as a candidate for Princess Lyanna's future guardian.

Isn't he a little young?

It does seem that way but his discipline and determination surpass that of the older kids.

Yes, I can see that.


Lyanna, Kairo, where are you? These kids will make me sprout early white hair.

The two have grown quite fond of each other.

Yes. It's something that bothers me just a bit actually. If Kairo were a Prince, I would have arranged their marriage. There you are, why do I always find you two hiding together? Hiding from me perhaps? Or from the world?


Kairo! Run! Take Lyanna to the sorcerer, he'll know what to do!

Stop! You brats! Get back here!

Oh no you don't! If you even think of trying to stop them, you'll regret it! Your anger is towards me!

Your highness, what an unfortunate ending you will have!

Not if I have anything to do with it!



Something went wrong. I have reason to believe that the princess and the boy were separated in the journey. One can only hope that they are both well.

How could that happen?

The beasts forced their way into my lab as I was sending them on their way. They must have scared the children causing their different destinations.

How could this be? And after everything that we went through to assure their safety! I should have gone with them!

I doubt that it would have made much of a difference.

It's all my fault.

Please m'lady, do not say that. It was not your fault.

I just don't know what to think anymore


I lower my head into the palm of my hands as a single tear rolls down my right cheek.

Krysta (2015 ver.)Where stories live. Discover now