
27 1 4

Princess?!? Haha, what a joke! Who is he? 

I start laughing, ¨OK who are you?¨Surprised at my words he blinked and shook his head ever so slightly.

¨What do you mean princess?¨ Again with that word! I roll my eyes in a very obvious way.

¨I'm not a princess!¨ This guy looked confused at my words once again. What's wrong with this guy? Does he actually think that I'm a-

¨This isn't the way I wanted you to find out,¨ Kairio whispered in my ear. Startled by suddenly having him so close to my face I jump and turn to see him.  He chuckles in amusement, throwing his head back  while holding his stomach. "Did I scare you?"

I blush, a pinch of anger from being so easily scared. "No," I say emphasizing it with emotion. "Anyway, you must have the wrong girl."

"No, you are the princess of the prophecy that I was-"

"Hold on," I say putting one hand up and the other on my hip. "Prophecy?!? HAHAHA!!!!" I begin laughing hysterically. "Now I know that you're messing with me!"

Kairio is completely serious, if anything he looked annoyed. Putting one hand on his forehead he said, "No Krysta, I am not jesting you." Sighing he looks at me. 

¨What does jesting mean?¨

¨It means that I am not, what you call, 'messing' with you.¨ I frown and look at the ground knowing that I had just turned crimson red. "I was planning on telling you when we got to the castle.

"Castle?" My body feels as heavy as concrete and yet as light as a cloud. This is actually happening! I look around me to see everyone looking at me as if I were a mutant.

"Yes, Castle," Kairio repeats himself uncomfortably slow.

"How come I never knew anything about us going to a Castle?"

"That was also meant to be a surprise."

"Well  no more surprises! Tell me everything now!"

"I was thinking--"

"No more surprises! I want answers now," I said furious. 

"Okay let's start from the beginning."

"Thank you!"

"But fist  get on the horse," I open my mouth to protest but before I can get a single word out, he cuts me off. "We need to keep moving before they find us. 

Fallowing the strange man and his buddies we come to a river and we walk upstream. Before I realize it, there are rock walls growing on either side. There's a waterfall and a ledge where we leave the horses; the ledge provides cover from above. The strange guy and his buddies jumped in the river and go behind the waterfall.

"Are they crazy?!?" My mind is blown! What are they doing behind a waterfall? It's the most stupid thing I've ever thought of, yet I want to do the same. I've never been this close to water that's so clean!

"Take my hand," says Kairio.

"Are you crazy?" He tried to take my hand but I dismissed it. "No thanks I can do it myself." I don't want to be seen as a Damsel in Distress.

"She's more difficult than I imagined," Kairio whispered to Nax so I can't hear but ever since I got to this place I have ears like a fox. It feels like I can hear everything. 

"Yes but her friend isn't," responds Nax while nudging him with his elbow. I slowly step into the river not knowing what to expect; so clear and beautiful it looked untouchable. When I get in the cold water takes me by surprise! The day is so nice but the water's so cold I wonder to myself.

"It is because it's constantly moving." Was that my out-loud voice?  I get he knows more about this strange land than me but does he have to say things in such a jerky kind of way? I don't like this guy! I walked towards the waterfall and I can feel the water getting colder but I don't mind, it's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I'm trying to get some of the white water but when I put it in my hand it turns clear I wonder why that is. It doesn't matter, this is like a dream come true! We walk behind the waterfall and unlike the others I try to put my head under it.

"Ouch!" That really hurt! There was an opening; kind of like a cave or a tunnel. It's a damp  tunnel with torches, things crawling on the walls that I've never seen before and things like sharp teeth coming down from above. There's the sound of dripping water; very delicate sort of like bells or chimes. Overall it kind of sounded musical, like a miniature drum but made with water. I don't know how long we've been walking but soon the walls turn to glass instead of rock and there's no more torches. We entered a city that wasn't above land, it was below the water! It's incredible how this is possible! I must have been staring with my mouth wide open because soon I heard May giggling about how I looked. I can't help it, this was amazing. There was strange music coming from different places that sounded like the wind was singing to us; it sounded beautiful. There was also the plucking of strings. I couldn't find exactly where the music was coming from since it seemed to echo from different places. We were being led to the castle made of glass and crystal. It was like an impossible dream come true. Light seems to be radiating from everywhere! This is all so strange, it's like I'm dreaming; this can't possibly be true! It's like a fairy tale from one of my books! The closer we get to the castle the more breathtaking it becomes. I don't want to go inside, I'm afraid if I set foot on the floor then the castle might break and fall into a million tiny pieces! I know it can't be fragile if it's under water but still I sometimes feel like I'm too clumsy. When we entered the ceiling was so high and decorated with beautiful paintings of the forest and animals so cute I just wanna squeeze them  all! Everything was so clean that I was afraid to keep walking; I didn't want to get anything dirty. Looking up at the ceiling is probably not the best idea specially if you're walking fast, you're supposed to anyway. I learned my lesson specially after bumping into something I probably shouldn't have!

"Oh no..."  Now I'm dead for sure! They're never going to let this slide by!!!


Uh oh what did Krysta bump into this time?

Apologies for not writing in such a long time but thank you for reading this far I'll see you guys at the next chapter stay tuned! 

Krysta (2015 ver.)Where stories live. Discover now