The Demon Vase

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A long time ago there was a small boy that no one ever liked. He would spend his days alone in the forest playing with sticks and stones. This boy wasn't like any other kid though; his mother was single and his father had never been around, he really didn't even know who his father was! 

At the age of 12 there had been a situation at the school house that made him very angry. That is when the demon came out, or at least that's what the villagers said. There wasn't any actually demon; in reality he was the child of a human and dragon's love. He grew up to be noble and brave, caring and sentimental, as well as strong and wise. he gathered dragons and humans to live in harmony but since he was half human he didn't live as long as his fellow dragons but still lived longer than his fellow humans. He was an odd but loved by every person or creature he met. His reign ended far too soon, he was asked to be cremated once he was dead; and put his ashes in his greatest achievement: his underwater city, in the heart of his Crystal Castle, in the middle of the entrance hall so that everyone that would come and visit could see his magnificent legacy! A legacy that no one would ever be able to surpass.

And guess what, that is exactly what I bumped into! Don't worry it's not what you think, I didn't break the vase where the ashes of the greatest King's forever rests. I was hilariously saved by our handsome stranger. He caught the vase before it hit the ground. By the way, I still don't know his name. No matter, I'll ask him after dinner. 

Once people saw what had happened they rushed me to a room where I now sit alone. I don't understand what the big deal is, It's just a vase full of ashes and, I mean, how much would a dead King care if, you know, his ashes spilled? Plus you can always buy another vase and, you know, put his ashes in it, right... right? Am I the only one that thinks this? I don't know...

I'm waiting in the room where the elf-king guardian of the Demon King's precious city is supposed to come talk to me about my destiny. I'm not really sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing, I mean I'm still not sure how in the world I got here in the first place! It's not like time travel is real... is it? Who cares, the fact is I'm here now and everything is crazy! I'm pretty sure that at some point I'm going to wake up and this will all just be a dream but until then let's see if I can survive.

Tick-tock tick-tock 

How long have I been here? For a king he's not very punctual, or was it he's a guardian?  I'm not sure. They wouldn't let May stay with me and neither were the brothers or they didn't want to, not sure which one. I am really nervous, I've never talked to a King. I didn't even know Kings existed anymore, but here I am waiting for a king / guardian / elf creature to show up and talk to me about my destiny and who I am and all that sort of stuff.

Tick-tock tick-tock 

After 7 years, it was more like 7 minutes but it felt like 7 hours, someone is finally at the door and I'm hoping it's the king! He opens the door and my gosh he is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He has an atmosphere of wisdom. I can see the magic radiating from him. It's palpable how being in his presence can make a girl feel. He has pale white skin and the most beautiful peridot colored eyes. His hair is like silver ribbons hanging around the most delicately pointed ears. His tall lean figure towers over me like a beautiful tree, a magical tree! His lean and long fingers for some reason remind me of spiders, his robes are flowing and delicate like silk, I've never seen silk but I'm pretty sure that's what it is. The most mesmerizing aspect of this beautiful creature is most definitely his lips. They are a pale rosy-pink, like flower petals that you want to touch. The floor is getting closer, it feels like I'm floating No, no the floor is definitely getting closer. Yep I'm falling aaaaaaaand I'm out!

When I wake up there is a face way to close to mine. I jumped and push myself away from Kairo as fast as I can. 

"Well," he said, "you jumped like 3 feet in the air, I'm guessing you're fine now. 

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