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"There's a girl there! Someone Help!" It's already morning. I try to open my eyes but sun is too bright. I feel like I'm being lifted up but I drift off into the darkness again.


I try to lift my hand to my face but my body feels very heavy.

"Is she awake?"

"She'll wake when she wakes. Until then, we believe she may be able to hear us since she seems to be drifting in and out of consciousness." They continued to talk but I was in too much pain to listen.


I squint through the pain of my head to see that I'm again in a fancy bed and that it's dark once more.

"Are you awake Princess?"

I moan as I don't know if I even have a voice anymore.

"I'm glad you have woken Princess Lyanna." My eyes flash open! I've never told anyone the second part of my name!


Sorry it's short but I can't say too much about the next book. I'm so excited!

Krysta (2015 ver.)Where stories live. Discover now