A Full Moon

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"What are you doing here, Krysta?"

"I was chasing the dragon trying to get you clothes back." Kirio holds out his hand to help me up. I take his hand with my own shaking hand.

"That was foolish of you. You could have gotten hurt. Are you ok? Your hand is shaking." I wasn't worried about myself though.

"I'm fine," I say with a shaky voice. I clear my throat not wanting to seem weak. "How did you get your clothes back from the dragon?"

" Oh, um.... I uh.... um, I, you now, I just um...."

"You what Kirio?"

"I just ran up to it and took them from it," I looked at him with a confused face. "You know, while it wasn't looking."

His lips are moving but my mind is so confused and frozen in fright that I don't comprehend what he's saying. He reaches for me but I back away. His face fills with concern before trying to reach me again. The fog lifts from my mind and things begin to register again.

"What's wrong Krysta?" I break into a cold sweat as a monstrous idea snakes into my mind. Realizing what I was thinking, his face pales and as turn to run away I hear him yell out my name before fallowing behind.

It's not possible...there's no way something like that is possible....YOU'RE LOOSING YOUR MIND!!!!

"Krysta! Don't run Krysta! It's dangerous out there," I hear him calling out to me as he chases me.

"Go away! Leave me alone!"

"I can't Krysta, you aren't familiar with these lands and you can get hurt!"

He's getting closer but I can't let him near me. I begin to make random turns in an effort to loose him. I'm very lucky that there are a lot of plants. I jump over a dip and a couple feet away was an oddly shaped tree perfect for me to hide in. My heart is racing and and it feels almost impossible to control my breathing.

You HAVE to control your own body, Krysta!

I take control over my breathing though I can't seem to stop my pounding heart in my ears. The crushing of twigs and dead leafs signal Kirio's approach. He stops right in front of me.

I think he found us. SHHH! Don't say that. Is he ever gonna leave? I think you might be right, I think he did find us. I told you. Shut up!

Kirio screams out my name and runs away in an attempt to find me, not knowing that he almost had. I waited for what seemed like an eternity to make sure he wouldn't come back. Ok, I think we're good to go. I get out of my hiding place to be hit by the bright sun. Good, we still have a while before sunset. I looked up in order to find the tallest tree around me, once deciding which was the tallest, I climbed up. I looked around and lost my breath. The scene before me was absolutely incredible!

Focus! Oops, yes sorry. Ok, see that hill over there? Yeah? There's a cave. Ok, on it! I quickly climb down and start heading towards the hill. Unfortunately I am not used to forrest since there aren't any trees where I come from so I soon found myself lost. Oh yeah and in case you didn't know, climbing a tree with an injured arm only makes the injury worse. Yeah, you guessed it, I can't climb anymore and therefore can't find my way.

Ugh, you're so stupid! Hey watch it! You and I are the same person! Same body Krysta, not the same beings. Wait, WHAT?!?!? Nothing! just keep walking. *Humph* Ok.


Did you hear that? Yeah, you better start running!

I ran with all my might, there's no way I'm dieing here tonight! I run until sunset. thinking it was safe, I slowed to a slow walking pace. I no longer knew where I was headed as long as it was away from the cabin.

Krysta (2015 ver.)Where stories live. Discover now