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I wake up after another night without a dream. I feel warm, but I don't remember bringing a blanket with me into the forest. I open my eyes to find myself covered by a shirt to big to be mine, it's Kirio's shirt. LOoking around I realize that I'm alone. I was about to stand up when I heard the familiar sound of a dragon's wings, so I pretend to be asleep.

The ground trembles under the weight of such a magnificent beast. I slightly open my left eye to see what it was doing. The black creature turned to stand in front of a pile of clothes not far from me. Then it turned in my direction and I quickly closed my eyes so it wouldn't know I was awake. After about a minute it approached me and took the shirt off of me. I waited a bit before opening my eyes. There was Kirio fully dressed, skinning a little animal with big ears and fluffy fur.

I sit up against the trunk of a tree and watched him do it. He worked in silence with an occasional glance in my direction. After he was done, he started a fire to cook the meat. While it cooked I decided to break the silence.

"So I was right," I started. "You are the dragon that kidnapped me."

"Kidnap is such an ugly word to use." Realy? That's what he chooses to say?

"What word should I use?"

"I would say 'rescue' or 'save' but not 'kidnap'. But yes, I am."

"You're gonna admit it? A normal person would have denied it. I mean, how many people change from human to dragon?"

"Many, you just don't know because they are discreet." That's weird. I think he's the only one.

"What are you cooking?"

"It's called a rabbit. People eat the them all the time but I guess you didn't know that, considering where you grew up." I shake my head.

"Wait a second," I say feeling a little offended after realizing exactly what he just said. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing Princess." Princess? What is he playing at? I saw his face pale as mine blushed at the comment he just made. We sat in silence once more. I played with a little red bug with black dots on it's back. It crawled on my hands and I think it's such a pretty little thing. It opened it's back scaring me and causing me to jump back. It was flying! And it opened it's back to let out it's wings!

I heard a deep giggle coming from...Kirio? Kirio is giggling? I look at his face and I begin to blush. Why is he giggling. I try to look at him with my best angry face to try to intimidate him out of giggling, but it backfired because after seeing me, he just burst out into a blown out laughing fit.

"What?!? Why are you laughing at me?" He shakes his head and his laughing became silent. Tears squeezed out from between his eye lids and his face turned red. Putting my cheek on the palm on my hand for support, I waited out until he got over his laughing fit. I didn't get it! What did I do? After a while, Kirio has finally stopped and has taken the meat off of the fire.

"You done yet?"

"Yes, my apologies. Here is your portion. It is a little burnt on the outside but if you ignore it, it tastes very good."

"Thanks. I have a couple questions for you."

"What is it?"

"I've noticed that you speak really weird. Why is that?"

"Well why do you speak the way that you do?"

Good point. You're an idiot Krysta! "Sorry, that was a stupid question." He looked at me and chuckled a little. "Ok well, anyways, why didn't you deny being a dragon when I asked you?"

Krysta (2015 ver.)Where stories live. Discover now