The Necklace

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After overhearing that woman, I just want to go home....

I walk into my bedroom and shut the door behind me. I look around trying to find anything different and just like she said there is a necklace on the vanity table. The word poisoned rings in my ears like warning bells.

I need some air! I open the window closest to the bed. Leaning in to the balcony edge I place my hands on my cheeks to look out to the stars. Not a second later I see something shiny flying through the air. I wonder what that is. It looks strange's Flying Right Towards ME! I throw myself on the ground a fraction of a second before I would've gotten hit by that― What was that?!? I look around my room to see what had landed inside. There, sticking out of the bed frame post is a silver arrow. Tied to it with a red silk ribbon is a piece of paper. I open it and it reads:


Holding the note close to my chest I look back to the jeweled necklace sitting silently, almost mockingly, on the table.


I'm floating in darkness.

"Don't let her know that you know," a voice says from somewhere behind me. I try to turn around but suddenly my body feel heavy, almost as if I were stuck in tar.

"Who's there," I call out into the darkness.

"She can't find out that you know about her plan."

"Who is she really," I ask. "What prophecy was she talking about?"

"You are destined to save your kingdom from all those who seek to destroy it."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"You'll know when the time comes."

"Come on! You gotta give me more than that! This isn't some fairytale or book! I could die here!"

"It's something only you can figure out."

"You know, you're not helping!"


I wake up to the sound of chirping that I learned comes from birds in the morning. I don't know how there can be birds if it's supposed to be an underwater castle. Maybe the were brought by the people...

My thoughts are interrupted by the memories of last night. The words 'Don't wear it' flash through my mind. I stand straight up in my bed and look around my room with my heart pumping at 100 kilometers an hour. There is nothing out of place, everything is still. The cool air tickles my nose and I sneeze for the first time since we entered the submerged castle. A knock on the door startles me out from inside my head. I tell whomever is on the over side to come in. A petite Allison walks in.

"Good morning m'lady," says Allison, giving a very small and quick curtsey before hurrying to the wardrobe full of dresses. "Would you like to choose your own dress or would you like me to choose?" I jump out of bed but before I can walk over to her she gasps very loudly and her eyes widen as if she had seen something extra terrestrial. "Princess!"

Alarmed with her reaction, I jump a little and looking all around I ask, "What? What is it?"

"Where did you get those shoes from?" I look down to my feet and see that I actually slept with my shoes on.

"I asked the messenger boy to get me a pair. Aren't they nice?"

"Nice?" Allison shoots me a look of utter disapproval. "A princess does not wear messenger boy shoes." I glance at the shoes again and I can't help but wonder why.

Krysta (2015 ver.)Where stories live. Discover now