Delicious Food

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*sniff sniff 

Opening my eyes to bright rays of sunshine flooding the empty little cozy room I smell a strange assortment of aromas. My stomach instantly begins to growl and with curiosity; I get up to figure out where that delightful smell is coming from.

Wait a sec! That is when I notice that I'm actually not wearing any real clothes. I'm in only my underwear and bandages. Why am I bandaged? And where are my clothes? I look up to find that my clothes are across the room on a wooden chair. Ouch! Wincing at the pain and remembering the reason for the bandages; I take a deep breath, suck up the pain, and quickly rush to get dressed before anyone discovers I'm up. Luckily no one noticed my waking and I am able to dress myself without interruptions.

Crash! I jump at the loud sound coming from a nearby place outside the door.

What was that? Is May OK? There was a nervous laugh that fallowed the startling crash of something metallic falling. Opening the door as quietly as possible I sneak out of the room. In the hallway I look for any signs that somebody had caught me; to the right there's a wooden door as well as across from me and to the left. All clear. I heard May and another voice coming from the door on the left of me. I couldn't distinguish what they were talking about. I stepped out and slowly closed the door behind me. Sneaking around is so difficult when everything squeaks. I tip-toe towards the door and put my ear up to it so I can hear better.

"How are you guys planning on telling her," I hear May say.

"That is a bit of a secret actually and in all honesty we're not even the ones that are going to tell her," responds a voice I've never heard before.

"Then who is?"

"That is also a secret."

"Oh, well when are they planning on telling her?"

"The sooner the better. Please, feel free to begin eating."

"I feel like I should wait for Krysta."

"There's no point in waiting. She must not be feeling well and there's no telling when she'll wake up."

Silence...why is it so silent? Did he do something to her?!? I slightly open the door to try to sneak a peek. There in the middle of a dining room is May about to kiss this blond guy I've never even seen before in my life!!! My jaw drops to the ground before I close the door and sit against it.

"Um, I'm um," I hear approaching footsteps. "I'm going to check on her." Oomph. The door opens to hit my right shoulder and hot pain shoots up my neck and down my arm.

"Oh, I'm sorry! What are you doing out of bed!?!" I look up into the most hypnotizing grey eyes I have ever seen. He helps me up and asks, "How are your injuries doing?"

"I'm fine who are you," I ask with a very suspicious look plastered on my face.

"I'm just a friend." Yeah right. I roll my eyes without a thought.

"What were you two talking about?"

"Quite the curious cat aren't you?" I roll my eyes again and let a sigh of frustration escape my lips.

"What's going on?"

May comes up to me with a happy smile. "Krysta! Come, I made you breakfast," she chirps with the most casual look on her face; how can she be so relaxed? She makes me so angry sometimes.

She took me to the table and I saw the strangest food ever imagined. I saw eggs, potatoes, strange oily red and white strips of something and a glass full of a white liquid.

"What is that?" I raise a confused brow and look at my best friend.

"Nax said it's called bacon and milk!" Again, how is she so relaxed?

"Nax? What kind of name is that?"

"A very noble one," he answered. "Now sit down and eat; you need to heal quickly."

"Thanks but I'm not hungry," I say, my voice dripping with annoyance.

"Fine, then take this to my brother," Nax hands me another plate full of food. "He's behind the house brushing his horse."

"OK," I thought that horses were extinct... "What are you two going to do while I'm gone?"

"Ugh, just go!"

I see May blushing before I walk out. Pointed in the right direction by Nax I prepare to encounter yet another annoying being. Pfft, what a strange girl, she doesn't even know the guy! She's always been weak-kneed when it comes to guys.

As I approach the stables I get myself ready to cross paths with that other idiot again. With every step I take though, a funny feeling stirs in the pit of my stomach. As I come around the corner, there, next to the wooden gate lies a pile of clothes. I walk over to it and search for the idiot but I'm by myself. I set the plate of food and the glass of the milk thing down on an upside down bucket next to the stable wall. I pick up the pile of clothes to inspect it for any signs of death but found nothing

With the sound of flapping wings came a strong wind on my back. My bones chill in terror but a voice in my mind tells me to turn around and see what it was. I listen but immediately regret it. Stupid little voice! Standing before me is the same beast that had taken me from my home. It's green eyes seemed to be staring right through me.

Oh no! What do I do, what do I do, what do I do!?!

I stare back into its magnificent eyes. I move backwards as it moves towards me but before long, I'm trapped. My back against the wall of the stables and with the dragon inches from my face. I don't know what it's going to do to me; scared of the possibilities I brake into a cold sweat. It opens it's mouth and I promptly closed my eyes.


I'm glad you took the time to read my story! ♡♥♡♥♡

I'm editing every chapter so I hope this was better!

Also stay tooned for book Two!!! Lyanna :)

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