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It yanked the clothes from my hands and I heard it running away. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself alone with the horse and traces of the dragon running into the nearby forest. Without hesitation I ran after it.

Are you crazy!?!?! Turn back! Why are you running after such a beast? The same one that took you away from your home none the less! Yeah, you see that, that's Rose, the little voice in my mind telling me just how insane I really am. Unfortunately for me, I don't always listen to her.

Wait... why am I running after the dragon? Because he has Kirio's clothes. Oh yeah, that's right.

I continued running surprised at myself at how I'm not out of breath yet. I shouldn't be though because in a book I read that plants give people oxygen and there's plenty of those around. By the the way, trees are a lot more beautiful in person than they are in pictures of drawings. If you wanna keep up, you gotta stay focused!!!! OK sorry!

There are tracks on the wet ground left behind by the beast so it isn't that hard to know where to go. I followed them through a meadow with tall grass but it isn't wet so the tracks are gone by the time I get into the trees again. No tracks and no noise to go off of. I'm not used to trees so I slow down enough to look at my surroundings and now I realize that I'm lost! Great, just what I needed. Stupid dragon! Kirio is annoying enough as it is. I don't want to know what he'll say when I get back. If you get back you mean. Not helping!

I decide to wander 'cause ya know, there's nothing better to do. *sigh*

Snap.... crunch.... crunch

I stop and turn in the direction of the sound. I slowly and quietly walk to see what it is. There, in the middle of the forest was Kirio getting dressed with the clothes the dragon had taken from me. *Blush* Well he's toned...damn he's hot! Shut up will you! That isn't my biggest concern right now. The problem here is how the heck did he take that clothes from the dragon. Something's not right here. But still, he's hot! I roll my eyes

Ignoring Rose and looking at him to make sure he hasn't spotted me, I begin to slowly back away. Thud! I tripped and fell, oops! Rubbing my bum I looked up to see Kirio looking straight at me.

Sorry that it's short but I like where it ended.

Can you figure out what's happening? I'm trying to make it obvious...

Comment, favorite....meh?

See you next Saturday ♡♡♡

Krysta (2015 ver.)Where stories live. Discover now