A Handsome Stranger

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I wake to the most delicious smell ever! I open my eyes and see I'm in a strange room. It was made of round wood. I'm inside the wooden little house I saw before.

Wait a minute! Shocked I sit up on the bed. Th-this means that it wasn't a dream! Everything actually happened! But....but how? How did this-

"Knock knock! Hey Krysta, I see you're awake now."

"Yeah, I just...." I turn towards the person who had just spoken and am left speechless mid-sentence. Wow.... I'm encountered with an impossible sight. There, next to the door is the most handsome guy I had ever seen or could have ever imagined. He has coal black hair that is long enough that you could grab but short enough that it still looks good. It was lush and flowed in good curves. He has green eyes that could cut through stone but could still melt your heart. His face is slender with hard edges but soft at the same time. His smile charming enough to make you weak but cruel enough to stab you.

"You look like an idiot. Haven't you ever seen a man before," he asked with amusement. I guess I have been staring to get that kind of comment. At that realization I blush and look down at my hands. I'm not stupid. You're not a man. If anything you're a year or two older than me.

"Sorry...but I guess I'm just a little bit confused. Who are you? How did I get here and where did those dragons go? Where's my friend? How do you-"

"Whoa there," he says putting his arms up and approaching my bedside. "How about you relax and we start out slow. OK?" I nod. "OK. First of all my name is Kairo. My brother and I found you and your friend on our hey stacks. You've been unconscious for a day and a half." No way. I look at him in disbelief. " You must be hungry. Why don't you come eat?"

"Ok..." as I begin to get up I feel intense pain. That's right, I got really hurt with that fall.

"Oh! Sorry. Here let me help you." I swat away his hand.

"I can do this by myself."

"Ouch! Your pride is so big it hurts." I roll my eyes. Cocky kid....humph....

As I stand up I get lightheaded. I stumble a little and put my palm on my forehead. I feel when Kairo catches me from falling. The moment his skin met mine, a familiarity flowed over me like a blanket of warmth. Just then things went dark once more. Great just my luck!


Floating in dark nothingness, I feel paralyzed and helpless. Suddenly deep laughter erupts from somewhere, OK now I'm worried. I brake free of my frozen body, running in nothing, towards nothing, away from two cold, laughing voices. Only seconds pass before I realize I'm no longer running away from the voices but towards them instead. I try to turn around but my body is no longer obeying. The laughing stops and I stop struggling.

"Do you really think it's her?" The first voice asks and it echos in the vast void.

"It has to be. We followed the prophecy word for word." The second voice responds, also echoing.

" Yeah but look at her. She doesn't really look like the girl from the prophecy."

"Looks change. Plus, why do you always worry about looks? They are only on the outside. You know that what's inside is more true than any outer physical feature." This made me smile.

"Fine, but does she even know who she is?"

"I seriously doubt it." Well I know I like one more that the other, that's for sure.

"Which one?" Wait...I didn't even say anything...

"Yes but we can still hear you, tsk idiot..." 

"Hey!!!" He is really getting on my nerves.

One began laughing before being hit by the other. "Look Krysta, you will learn and understand everything very soon. Trust me, now please rest so you'll feel better."

"But...!!!" I began but couldn't finish.

I begin falling through the vast black world through increasingly fading echoes of the two chuckling voices. I fall in a deep sleep with nothing but comforting silence.


Favorite, follow and well you know the rest. ♡♡♡

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