I'm a magician!

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Dean was never one to shy away from a good time, and tonight was no exception. He had been drinking with Sam and Castiel, and he was feeling pretty good. In fact, he was feeling great, and he was all over Cas, laughing and joking and generally being a goofball.

Cas didn't seem to mind, though. In fact, he was laughing right along with Dean, enjoying the moment and the company of his boyfriend. He loved how carefree and happy Dean was when he was drunk, and he didn't mind the attention at all.

Sam, on the other hand, was dying of laughter. He had never seen Dean act like this before, and he couldn't help but find it adorable. He watched as Dean stumbled around the room, trying to dance and sing at the same time, and he couldn't help but shake his head in amusement.

"Cas! come dance with me!" Dean said and pulled Castiel from the chair he was sitting on. But Cas just smiled, pulling Dean close and holding him tight. He knew that Dean was just having fun, and he didn't mind being the center of his attention for a little while.

As the night wore on, Dean's antics became more and more outrageous. He started doing impressions of famous people, making silly faces and cracking jokes. He even tried to do a magic trick, but he ended up dropping the cards all over the floor "Tada! I made all the cards disappear! I'm a magician! Do you like magicians Cas? I could make your pants disappear."

But Cas just laughed, kissing Dean's forehead and telling him how much he loved him. And even though Sam was still laughing, he knew that his brother was in good hands.

Eventually, Dean started to get tired, and he curled up on the couch next to Cas, his head in his boyfriend's lap. He was still giggling and making silly jokes, but he was starting to drift off to sleep. "I love you Cas" Cas smiled and kissed Dean on the lips "I love you too"

Cas ran his fingers through Dean's hair, smiling down at him with love and affection. He knew that this was just one of the many sides of Dean, and he loved them all.

And as Sam watched the two of them, he knew that he had never seen his brother happier. Even when he was drunk and goofy, he was still Dean, and that was all that mattered.

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