You're going to regret that

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Dean and Cas had just moved into their new apartment, and they were excited to start making it feel like home. They had decided to start with the living room, painting the walls a soft shade of blue that would complement their furniture and decor.

They had been at it for a few hours, and things were going pretty well. They had a good system going, with Dean painting the top half of the walls and Cas taking care of the bottom half. They were both in good spirits, chatting and joking around as they worked.

But then, disaster struck. As they were both reaching for the same can of paint, they bumped into each other and spilled paint all over the floor. They both looked at each other, their faces turning red with anger.

"What the hell! Cas!" Dean yelled, pointing his paintbrush at Cas. "You're in my way!"

Cas rolled his eyes. "I'm not in your way, Dean. You're the one who's in my way." He gestured to the wall he was painting. "Look, you're making a mess of my work."

The argument continued for a few more minutes, with neither of them willing to back down. But then, Cas had an idea. He put his paintbrush against Dean's nose and said, "Boop!"

Dean was taken aback for a moment, but then he started laughing. "Okay, okay, you win," he said, putting his own paintbrush down. "But you're going to regret that."

And with that, the paint war began. They started flinging paint at each other, laughing and shouting as they went. At first, they were careful to avoid getting paint on the walls or furniture, but soon, they were so caught up in the fun that they didn't care anymore. They were like kids again, playing in the mud or splashing in a pool.

As they continued to paint, they started to get more and more in each other's way. They would accidentally bump into each other, knocking over cans of paint or stepping on each other's toes. They would argue and bicker, but then they'd start laughing again, realizing how silly they were being.

Finally, Cas put his paintbrush down and said, "Okay, okay, let's call it a truce."

Dean looked at him suspiciously. "What, are you giving up already?"

Cas shook his head. "No, I'm not giving up. I just think we should stop before we make an even bigger mess."

Dean sighed, looking around at the splattered paint on the walls, floor, and each other. "Yeah, I guess you're right. We've done enough damage for one day."

Cas grinned, wiping paint off his face with a rag. "Besides, we've got plenty of time to finish this room. We can always come back to it later."

Dean nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "Yeah, you're right. Let's clean up this mess and take a break."

They spent the next hour cleaning up the paint and washing themselves off in the shower. As they sat on the couch, drinking cold beers and watching TV, they both felt a sense of accomplishment. They had made a mess, but they had also had a lot of fun.

As the night wore on, they ordered pizza and talked about their plans for the rest of the apartment. They discussed the bedroom, the kitchen, and even the bathroom. They were excited to make this place their own, to create a home that reflected their personalities and their love for each other.

As they went to bed that night, they both felt a sense of contentment. They were happy to be together, happy to be starting this new chapter in their lives. And even though they had made a mess, they knew that they could handle anything as long as they were together.

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