Don't crash

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Castiel had always been fascinated by cars. The way they moved, the power they held, the freedom they represented. He had watched humans driving for years, and he had always wanted to try it himself.

Dean, however, was not so sure. He had seen Castiel's clumsy attempts at human activities before, and he was worried that letting him behind the wheel of the Impala would be a disaster waiting to happen.

But Castiel was persistent. He begged and pleaded with Dean to teach him how to drive, promising that he would be careful, that he would take it slow. "Come on Dean, please? I watched you do it for years and I think I could do it!" Castiel said. "Alright fine, but don't crash" Dean answered back.

He took Castiel to an empty parking lot and began to teach him the basics. Castiel was a quick learner, picking up the clutch and the gears in no time.

But as they moved onto the road, things got more complicated. Castiel struggled to keep the car straight, swerving dangerously close to the curb. Dean tried to remain calm, but he could feel his nerves fraying.

Finally, he called a halt to the lesson, telling Castiel that he needed more practice before he could take the Impala out on the open road.

Castiel was disappointed, but he didn't give up. One night, when Dean and Sam were sleeping, he snuck out of the bunker and took the Impala for a joyride.

He felt alive behind the wheel, the wind in his hair, the roar of the engine beneath him. But he was reckless, taking turns too fast, pushing the car to its limits.

It all came to a crashing halt when Castiel lost control of the car and slammed into a tree. When Dean and Sam got the call that Castiel was in the hospital, they rushed to his side.

Dean was furious. Furious that Castiel had disobeyed him, furious that he had put himself in danger, and furious that the Impala was damaged.

But as he looked at Castiel lying in the hospital bed, battered and broken, he felt something else too. He felt a sense of guilt, of responsibility. He had been the one to teach Castiel to drive, and he had failed to keep him safe.

As Castiel slowly recovered, Dean and Sam took shifts sitting by his bedside, talking to him, keeping him company. And when he was finally well enough to go home, Dean made a promise to himself. He would teach Castiel to drive properly, to keep him safe, to give him the freedom he craved. But this time, he would do it right. He would be patient, he would be thorough, and he would never let Castiel out of his sight.

And so, they started again. Dean took Castiel to the parking lot and began to teach him from scratch. He was patient, he was encouraging, and he was strict when he needed to be.

Castiel listened carefully, practiced diligently, and slowly but surely, he began to improve. He learned to keep the car straight, to take turns smoothly, and to stay aware of his surroundings.

And as he got better, Dean's trust in him grew. He let him drive on the open road, under his watchful eye, and he was proud of the progress that Castiel had made.

In the end, Castiel got his driver's license, and he was overjoyed. He thanked Dean for his help, and he promised to be a responsible driver from then on.

And Dean, for his part, was glad that he had been able to teach Castiel something new, something that he had always wanted to learn. And he was grateful that Castiel had come out of the accident unscathed, and that the Impala had been repaired.

From that day on, Castiel drove with care and caution, always mindful of the lessons that Dean had taught him. And Dean, in turn, watched him with pride and affection, knowing that he had helped to give his friend a sense of freedom and independence that he had never had before.

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