I just like it, okay?

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Dean was sitting on the couch, flipping through the channels, when he came across a kids' show. At first, he was going to keep scrolling, but then something caught his eye.

The show was about a group of animals who went on adventures together, solving mysteries and helping out their friends. It was cheesy and silly, but there was something about it that made Dean smile.

He knew that he shouldn't be watching it, that it was meant for little kids, but he couldn't help himself. He settled in on the couch, getting lost in the world of talking animals and magical adventures.

Just as he was starting to get really into it, he heard a noise behind him. He turned around, nearly jumping out of his skin, to see Cas and Sam standing in the doorway, staring at him in disbelief.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked, his eyebrows raised.

Dean felt his face turn red. He didn't know how to explain himself, how to justify watching a kids' show.

"I fell asleep," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "When I woke up, this was on."

Sam and Cas exchanged a look, clearly not buying it.

"Right," Cas said, his tone skeptical. "Because you always fall asleep with the TV on a kids' show."

Dean felt embarrassed and ashamed. He didn't want his friends to think less of him, to see him as childish or immature.

"I just like it, okay?" he said, his voice shaking a little. "It's fun and happy, and it makes me feel good."

Sam and Cas looked at each other again, their expressions softening.

"Hey, man, it's okay," Sam said, walking over to the couch and sitting down next to him. "We all have guilty pleasures. Mine is watching cooking shows."

Cas nodded in agreement. "And mine is reading romance novels."

Dean felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He realized that he didn't have to hide who he was, that Sam and Cas loved him for who he was, quirks and all.

"Thanks, guys," he said, smiling. "I appreciate it."

And as they settled in to watch the rest of the kids' show together, Dean felt happy and content, grateful for the friends who accepted him just the way he was.

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