Star Wars movies

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Sam and Dean were sitting in the bunker, arguing heatedly about their favorite Star Wars movies. Dean was adamant that Revenge of the Sith was the best, while Sam was convinced that Rise of Skywalker was the superior film.

"I mean, come on, man," Dean said, his voice rising. "Revenge of the Sith has everything. Epic battles, emotional moments, and the best lightsaber fight in the whole series."

Sam shook his head, his expression stubborn. "No way. Rise of Skywalker ties everything together perfectly. It's got action, humor, and heart."

Castiel sat between them, looking back and forth as they bickered. He had never seen any of the Star Wars movies, but he was fascinated by the passion that Sam and Dean had for them.

"Can you explain to me what these movies are about?" he asked, interrupting their argument.

Dean and Sam both turned to him, surprised. They had forgotten that he was even there.

"Uh, sure," Dean said, clearing his throat. "So, Star Wars is this huge sci-fi franchise about a group of rebels fighting against an evil empire. There are lightsabers, spaceships, and all kinds of cool stuff."

Sam nodded in agreement. "And there are nine movies in the main series, plus a bunch of spin-offs and TV shows."

Castiel looked intrigued. "And which one do you think is the best?"

Dean and Sam both started talking at once, trying to convince him that their favorite was the right choice. Castiel listened patiently, not really understanding the nuances of their arguments but appreciating the passion that they had for something they loved.

As the argument continued, Castiel realized that it didn't really matter which movie was the best. What mattered was that Sam and Dean had found something that they were both passionate about, something that brought them together and gave them a shared interest.

And as he watched them continue to debate, he realized that he was grateful for their friendship, for the way that they welcomed him into their lives and shared their interests with him.

"So, which one should I watch first?" he asked, interrupting their argument.

Dean and Sam both grinned, happy to have a new convert to the Star Wars fandom. As they started to explain the best order to watch the movies in, Castiel felt a sense of belonging, grateful to have friends like Sam and Dean.

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