I guess I'll just have to rock the crop top look from now on

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Castiel had decided to do a load of laundry in the bunker's washing machine. He had never really done laundry before, but he figured it couldn't be that hard.

He sorted the clothes, added detergent, and started the machine. After a while, he heard the buzzer and went to the laundry room to check on the clothes. They were clean and fresh-smelling, so he started to take them out of the machine and put them into the dryer.

As he was folding the clothes, Dean came into the room looking for his favorite shirt. "Hey, Cas, have you seen my black t-shirt? I can't find it anywhere."

Castiel looked at Dean and realized that he had accidentally put the shirt in the dryer. "I'm sorry, Dean. I think I may have shrunk it in the dryer."

Dean sighed and shook his head. "That's okay. I'll just have to buy a new one."

But then he spotted the shrunken shirt on top of the pile of laundry. "Wait a minute, that's my shirt! It's tiny now!"

Dean grabbed the shirt and tried to put it on, but it was too small. He looked in the mirror and saw that the shirt had turned into a crop top, barely covering his stomach.

At first, Dean was embarrassed and angry. He didn't like the idea of wearing a crop top, especially since it wasn't his style. But then he looked at Castiel, who was trying hard not to laugh, and he realized that it was kind of funny.

"Okay, okay, you got me," Dean said, grinning. "I guess I'll just have to rock the crop top look from now on."

Castiel smiled and nodded, still trying not to laugh. "I'm sorry about your shirt, Dean. I didn't mean to shrink it."

Dean shrugged. "It's not your fault. I'll just have to be more careful about my laundry from now on."

And with that, he walked out of the laundry room, wearing his shrunken Shirt which was now a fabulous crop top, with pride.

Castiel watched him go, feeling grateful for the small moments of joy that they shared together in the bunker.

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