Thanks for watching this with me

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It was Halloween night, and Dean was in his element. He had spent the entire day decorating the bunker with fake cobwebs and pumpkins. He had even convinced Sam and Castiel to wear matching costumes with him.

Dean had always been obsessed with Halloween. He loved everything about it, from the horror movies to the costumes. But this year, he was feeling a little down. Sam and Castiel didn't seem to share his enthusiasm for the holiday, and he was feeling a little left out.

As the night wore on, Dean grew more and more despondent. He had tried to get Sam and Castiel to watch horror movies with him, but they weren't interested. So he had retreated to his room, where he was watching a movie by himself.

When Sam and Castiel found him, he was sitting alone in the dark, with a laptop on his lap and earbuds in his ears. They could see that he had been crying, and they started to feel bad for not spending more time with him.

"What are you watching?" Sam asked, trying to break the silence.

Dean looked up, surprised to see his brother and friend standing in his doorway. He wiped away his tears and took out his earbuds.

"Just a movie," he said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"What movie?" Castiel asked, his curiosity piqued.

Dean hesitated for a moment before answering. He wasn't sure if they would understand why he was so emotional.

"The Exorcist," he said finally.

Sam and Castiel exchanged a look. They knew that it was one of Dean's favorite movies, but they also knew that it was a little too scary for them.

"Do you mind if we watch it with you?" Sam asked tentatively.

Dean's face lit up, and he quickly moved over to make room for them on the bed.

As they watched the movie together, Dean felt his spirits lifting. He was happy to be spending time with his family, even if it wasn't exactly how he had envisioned it.

By the end of the movie, they were all feeling a little spooked. But they were also feeling closer than ever before.

"Thanks for watching this with me," Dean said, smiling at his brother and friend.

"Anytime," Sam replied, patting him on the back.

Castiel nodded in agreement, and they all settled in for the night, feeling grateful for each other's company.

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