You're okay

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Dean had always been a tough guy. He had faced down countless monsters, demons, and other supernatural threats over the years, and he had never backed down from a fight. But even he had his limits, and one night, he found himself pushed to the brink.

It started with a dream. Dean was back in Hell, reliving the horrors of his time there. He could feel the heat of the flames, the agony of the torture, the crushing weight of despair. He was trapped, helpless, and alone.

As the dream went on, it got worse. He saw his loved ones dying, one by one, in front of his eyes. Sam, Bobby, Charlie, even Cas. They were all gone, leaving him behind. He was haunted by visions of his own death, of being torn apart by demons or consumed by the flames of Hell.

The nightmare was so vivid that Dean's body was responding to it as if it were real. He was thrashing and mumbling in his sleep, caught up in the horror of it all. His heart was racing, his breathing ragged, as he relived the worst moments of his life. "No, please.. don't hurt them"

But even in the depths of his nightmare, Dean was not alone. Cas was there, sitting on the bed beside him, watching him with concern. He had been keeping an eye on Dean ever since he had gone to bed, sensing that something was wrong.

After a few minutes, Cas could see that Dean was in distress. He knew that he had to do something to help. So he reached out and laid his hand on Dean's shoulder, trying to wake him up.

At first, Dean startled awake and panicked. He was disoriented and confused, still lost in the nightmare. But then he saw Cas, and he visibly relaxed. He knew that he was safe, that he was with the person he loved most in the world.

Cas held him close, letting him feel the warmth of his embrace. He whispered soothing words in Dean's ear, telling him that everything was going to be okay.
"You're okay, you're okay. Try to breathe Dean, slowly in and out. That's it" Castiel said to Dean.

Dean clung to him, feeling the strength of Cas's presence, as he struggled to control his breathing and calm down.

It took a few minutes, but eventually, Dean was able to come back to himself. He realized that he was still in his own bed, that he was safe and alive. He looked up at Cas, and he knew that he had been there for him, that he had saved him from the nightmare "Thank you" "Anytime Dean"

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