You guys are such assholes

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Dean had always been a fan of horror movies and games. He loved the thrill of being scared, the adrenaline rush that came with it. So when he heard about a new horror game that had just come out, he couldn't wait to try it.

He settled in on the couch with his controller, ready to dive into the game. But little did he know, Cas and Sam had a plan up their sleeves.

As Dean played, Cas and Sam snuck around the bunker, trying to find the perfect hiding spots. They waited until Dean was fully immersed in the game, then sprang into action.

First, they turned off all the lights in the room, plunging Dean into darkness. Then, they snuck up behind him and let out a blood-curdling scream.

Dean jumped out of his skin, screaming like a little girl. He was so scared that he almost threw his controller across the room. Cas and Sam were dying of laughter, barely able to contain themselves.

But they weren't done yet. They continued to sneak up on Dean, making spooky noises and jumping out from behind furniture. Dean was so scared that he was ready to throw some punches.

Finally, Cas and Sam revealed themselves, laughing so hard that they were practically crying. "You guys are such assholes! I could've easily knocked one of you out" He said while trying to controle his breathing.

Dean was both relieved and embarrassed. He had been so scared that he couldn't even enjoy the game.

But in the end, they all had a good laugh about it. Dean realized that he had been so focused on scaring himself that he had forgotten to have fun. And Cas and Sam realized that sometimes, it's more fun to be the ones doing the scaring. If it means they can scare Dean while he's playing a horror game, they would take every chance they can get.

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