Chapter 6:Panic attack

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after their little shoping trip Vi had only 1 bag of clothes. Caitlyn just smiled, letting Vi have full control for her clothing and paid for it willingly. once outside Vi immidtly relaxed again taking a deep breathe. "would you just want to go back to the Apartments? or wander around here for abit?"

"Apartment, it's getting a little crowded.." Caitlin just nodded and lead the way back to their complex not paying attention to the fact that the convict grabs the back of her shirt lightly so she would lose Caitlin in the crowd.

The elevator was another fight all together as people seemed to have the same idea. Vi already hated the thing, and having people pressed against her, who already shoots her dirty looks, wasn't helping her nerves at all.

As soon as they reached their floor Vi basically jumped out, putting as much distance from the elevator and herself as she could. Caitlyn watched worried for a second, though when Vi seemed to compose herself led her to her door. "Alright Vi, remember if you need me I'm right next door okay? There should be food already stocked in your kitchen so you don't have to worry about that."

"Thank you cupcake, seriously..." Vi'a voice was just berly heard but a small smile broke Caitlyns mouth. "No problem Vi, I'll see you later okay?" She said before disappearing into her own apartment. The soft click of the door signalling Vi to do the same.

Standing in the entrance of her Apartment Vi was struck with a feeling of Unease. She never had anything that truly belonged to herself, and she didn't know what to fully do. The white walls and clean floor seemed to be glaring at her, and she worried one touch would ruin them for good.

Slipping off her shoes Vi crept into her room, even the sounds of her own footsteps echoing through the already quiet apartment. Vi's breathing sped up, hating the fact that anyone was able to sneak up on her in such a small space, and how clean and proper everything looked. She frantically checked every little corner of the room, though it didn't help and she eventually had her back hit the wall hard, knocking a painting from the wall and the loud crash alerted Caitlyn, breathing way to fast and in full panic mode.

She slid down the wall and buried her fingers into her red hair trying to ground herself and get out of her own head with no use. She could feel the tears slipping from her eyes and the frantic breathing turning to sobs and tried to fight it which only made it worse. As dark spots started to cloud she heard knocking them the front door opening, footsteps echoing before her vision went black.

Caitlyn had heard a thud against her bedroom wall, and as it seemed to be coming from Vi's apartment decided to check it out to make sure her Ward was okay. She first knocked softly on the door allowing Vi to confirm if she was allowed in or not, however upon no one answering opened the door slowly and walked in herself, calling out Vi's name.

She checked each room, trying to find where Vi was, worried for her ward. Seeing the bedroom door thrown open, and soft sobs and frantic breathing she entered the room, finally setting eyes on the limp form of Vi. "Oh crap?!" Caitlin shot forward and gently checked Vi's breathing sighing out in relief when she saw Vi's chest rise and fall with each breath.

Upon closer examination she saw no injuries, but saw tear tracks on her cheeks. Feeling her heart clench she gently helped Vi up and set her on the bed, and sat right next to the bed waiting for Vi to wake up.

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