Chapter 26

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she turned at the sound of her name and froze, eyes shooting wide. standing in front of her, hunched over with her arms across her middle, was her sister. she was almost as tall as Vi herself, which had Vi smiling slightly. she told their parents that Powder would grow to be taller than Vi, bragged about it even, and she was thankful she was semi right. her sisters face lost all the baby fat but her light blue eyes stayed wide and childlike, even if her face was narrower. her arms and stomach were decorated with tattoos of light blue clouds, which Vi chuckled softly at.

"i-its actually you.. wh-when ekko said that her saw you i thought he was messing with me.. but.." Vi watched stunned as Powders eyes teared up, and quickly closed the distance to hug her sister tightly. her head fit just underneath vis chin, who gave a watery chuckle as she felt her sister hug tighter. "your actually alive Vi.. your still alive..." vi nodded gently. "im still alive pow.. and im not leaving your side again." she felt her shirt become wet as Powder cried heavily, holding her sisters shirt in a deathgrip. Vi hugged back just as tightly, letting a few tears slip free as she hid her face in her sisters hair. a pair of feet hitting the ground alerted Vi of another presence and she move Powder behind her like she would when they were younger, scanning the alley for threats when a familiar white face paint caught her eye.

knowing her sister wont let go anytime soon Vi just stared at the face, studying the familiar brownish skin of the little runt Benzo took in. though he built up, his face losing the boyish look and getting some muscle on. He was about the same height as Vi which had her chuckling softy. "hey little man." the watery chuckle that her sister let out had Vi smirking, and the groan ekko gave made it even better. "shut up Vi.. im like the same height as you now!" the small smirk he wore gave him away as he stepped forward and carefully brought the woman he saw as a older sister into a hug himself, being careful to not dislodge Powder. Vi chuckled and wrapped a arm around him with a smile feeling the familiar dreadlocks rub against her collarbone. "I am so happy to see you both alive you have no idea.."

"we are just as happy to see you Vi.. how'd you survive.. i saw powder crying and we both thought...." Ekko looked away and pulled away glancing at the pink haired brawler like he was seeing a ghost. "howd you get away..? what happened to you Vi..?" Vi sighed softly and rubbed her sister back softly. "they took me 5 years ago. threw me in Stillwater without a second glance. thats where ive been for the past 5 years, but a enforcer got me out." "a enforcer? your with them now?!" powder said pulling away and staring at her sister warily. "well yea.. Caitlyn got me out since she saw i was in for no reason. she was trying to get rd of the corruption in the force and recruited me to help. i've been living in a apartment in Piltover for-" "you LIVE I PILTOVER? a-are you trying to forget us?" powder said softly.. stepping back further from her sister. Ekko wrapped a arm around her, for comfort and Vi internally smirked, since she knew that both loved each other. "N-NO! Never Pow! i thought you were killed by the enforcers when i was taken away! they wouldn't tell me anything!" "and yet the second you were free you never came back down to at least confirm Vi?!" powder glared at her sister, who took a step back under the sharpness. "I thought you were DEAD powder. it wasn't worth the pain to actually see your dead body Pow, much less it rotting."

Powder continued staring at her sister with a sharp look, and vi took a deep breath and stepped away. "alright, your right i should have at least checked... but listen i was thrown in prison for 5 years powder. i spent those 5 years mourning your death and i was in a very bad place, but caitlyn got me free, set me up with a good job and now i have a place to myself and a good girlfriend. please Powder.." she looked between Ekko and Powder willig one of them to forgive her. Powder broke the silence first. "wait girlfriend? your dating a fucking pilite?" Vi flinched back at the harsh tone but nodded meekly. "so you have completely changed your life.." "your both welcome to join me, i have more than enough space and Caitlyn would love to meet you two.." Powder looked at Vi supisculy before shaking her head. "no Vi, since your so determined to cut us from your life you can continue without us. THE SeCOND i was able to i started looking EVERYWHERE for you Vi, but you were in PILTOVER confording with some Piltie?!" go back to being a little lapdog Vi... i dont want to see yo again.."

Powder wiped tears from her face before walking way further down the alleyway and disappearing into the shadows. Vi took a deep breath, fighting back tears from the rejection of her sister, and forgetting Ekko was there. "Vi? dont take her words to heart.. it was just a lot of information to put on her... she will come around im sure.. im glad your safe though and you managed to find a good one." Ekko embraced the brawler one more time before disappearing down the alleyway after her sister. Vi was itching to follow, but took a deep breath and turned heading the opposite way back to piltover, the urge to cry stronger the closer she got to piltover. her sisters words echoing around her head. seeing that it was almost morning she headed to the enforcer building, knowing full well Caitlyn would be there waiting for her to return, struggling to push down the urge to cry.

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