Chapter 16

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after that realisation Vi couldn't stop it, nor did she want to, though she refused to let caitlyn, HER BOSS, know that Vi had fallen for her. every genuine laugh or smile shot her way, Vi's heart stuttered, when they touched, even the slightest touch sent butterflies in Vi's stomach. her palms sweat when caitlyn is in close quarters with her, and she acted more of a fool with caitlyn, trying to get more laughs or smiles from caitlyn. Vi made sure caitlyn came out of any job unscathed, refusing to let her light get hurt on her watch, though she couldn't protect Caitlyn all the time, and this was one of those times.

they were on a mission in the undercity. to bust a chembaron producing Shimmer, well a more potent version of it. it made the people who took it stringer and faster than normal shimmer. it specifficaly targeted the rage part of the brain, and after the shimmer was done it released a toxin in the body, effectivly killing the person who took it, sothey couldnt be captured or used agaisnt the producer. vi took the lead since it was in the undercity, with caitlyn close behind. they were talking with a mine worke about what they knew, when they heard a sound.

it was just a pipe clattering to the ground, which alerted both sheriff and deputy, who turned towards the alley the sound came from. Vi tucked away the notepad she was using for notes and stepped forwards queitly trying to peer through thesteam and din of the alleyway to find what made that noise. caitlyn was right behind her, knowing to stay behind thr brawler as she wasnt as good at hand to hand combat as the brawler was. But seeing the way Vi tensed as she approced the alleyway, she knew to be ready to bolt for a good vantage point. a low groan echoed through the alleyway, then somethering clattered yet again and Vi tensed pushing cautlyn back and turning to motion for the worker to find a place to hide, glad the worker did just that, diving for a small encloed allyway nearby and blending nto the shadows. Caitlyns touch brought her back and when caitlyn pointed into the alleyway.

Vi turned to the alleyway again, to see purple eyes staring back at her, and before she could react and push caitlyn away, it darted forward with a roar and pushed Vi Aside. it turned to caityn with a wild gleam though seemed more focused on the blue and gold of the enfocer armour. it started punching caitlyn, who threw her hands up to protect her head at least as the punches rained on her side and stomach, she dropped to her knees with a grunt, and thats when Vi bounced back, jumping up and punching the monsters face before jumping back, having it focus on her, while caitlyn ran for a nearby scaffolding to get a vantage point.

she climbed quickly, listing to the grunts from both Vi and the monster, as Vi bought her time. as she was setting up her shot the monster tossed Vi into a wall, delivering a punch to her stomach and knocking her back down. Caitlyn took that time to line up her shot then shot one round, whic only seemed to anger it. with a another roar it launched forward and into the scaffolding, which folded like paper under the monsters weight and broke it, Caitlyn fell backwards with the scaffolding, whacking her head on the ground and it knocking her out, though the monster was half buried and stuck under the scaffolding, it trying to escape but failed.

Vi got back up holding her shouder as the dust seetled and saw the monter contained. she huffed and moved to it and grabbing its face, seeing the shimmer slowly running out. "who the hell made this and where is he?" "i aint telling you crap.." the person slurred, as the shimmer fully ran out, and his head slumped in Vi's hand. and she yelled out in anger when she found no pulse. groaning she just dropped his head and turned to scan the feild for Caitlyn, not seeing her appering with a annoyed look, yet seeing the worker quickly leave the scene. a memory played through her mind, of caitlyn climbing the scaffolding, and the panich ran through her body.

now worried that caitlyn could be hurt bad she started digging lightly around the debris finding caitlyns hat and Gun from when she fell. when she saw a pile cloe to the wall she moved towards it, and after removing a few peices, found caitlyn. she had a bad bump on her head that was bleeding sluggihly, a few cuts a brusies on her face, and upon moving the rest of the debris found that her arm was broken, and bad cuts along her legs and arms, upon checking her pulse Vi sighed, relif flooding her system as she felt a strong pulse. gently picking up the limp form of the sheriff, she went back to the hat and rifle and putting her hat ontop of caitlyns stomach and shouldering her rifle she started running towards piltover praying that caitlyn would survive the trip.

Vi rn as fast as she could, unable to parkour up and instead took the bathmosphere which she hated. she weaved and dodged the people walking over the bridge and along the streets of pilotver, ignoring the looks of disgust, worry, and annoyance as she ran. she rememberd the way to the hosptial luckily, and made it there with little time to spare, and shot a worried glance to caitlyn as she dissapered behind the doors. she remeber Caitlyns dad worked here, so she hoped that he would tell Caitlyns mother. she seetled in for the wait hoping that she would be at least notified.

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