the Industrialist sites where quiet, save for the Rumbling of the machines and steam puffing. the flashlights bounced off the steam, the beam not reaching very far through the smoke, but gave enough to see the buildings and any loose rubble or pipes. 4 sets of footsteps echoed quietly though the sites as the enforcers moved towards the building Vi found earlier. once they got close enough to actually see some of the guards out front. with a quick glance the 4 split into groups of two, two heading towards the front to distract the guards, while the other two headed to the side of the building to look for a way in.
"alright you guys, you know the plan, pull it right and we all go home by the end of the night. " the quiet sounds of cheers in both her earpiece and right beside her had caitlyn chuckle softly. Vi's pink hair was like beacon as she led the way to the side. before long sounds of yelling and clanging filled the air, and the guards confused talking quieted as they stepped further and further away to investigate. As soon as they were in the clear Vi creeped to the front of the building and once making sure it was clear opened the door and slunk in.
Caitlyn followed behind quietly, letting the brawler lead since this was her terrain. she quietly raised her rifle up, looking down the scope to make sure she had them covered. finally the machines made way to a wide open room. hidden fully in the shadows, just on the edge of a single light, there was more guards walking around. huge tubes flowed from all corners of the building and all converging to a huge medical tube. inside a green liquid was a dark, huge form. all of the Guards were definitely trenchers, some with metal pieces medled with their body. Vi glared softly before turning to caitlyn.
"look, catwalks up above, will that be a good position for that?" she whispered nudging the gun lightly, and making sure to not making to loud of noises. "yea, i'd be able to pick them off from up there, what is that?" she whispered back. Vi shrugged but focused on trying to find a way for caitlyn to get up to the catwalks above. after pointing out a clear way and making sure Caitlyn got there safely Vi turned and watched the trenchers walking back and forth. some had weapons while others were barehanded. they seemed to have gathered in one area before they started walking to the giant tube.
One had just touched the lever, when a net shot out and knocked him down before they could pull the lever. they all turned towards where the net came from sounds of confusion echoing through the building, and Caitlyn smirked standing proudly and cocks her gun again. Vi chose this moment to step forward out of the shadows, clenching her fists tightly though also standing proudly. The building was quiet for a split second longer before one of the trenchers ran forward, brandishing a pipe to swipe down at vi before he was knocked to the side wit a quick side punch from vi. suddenly the building was a mess of movement as gunshots and yells echoed throughout the building. Vi hardly flinched as bullets whizzed past her, knowing Caitlyn had her back and wouldn't shoot her as she stormed through the sea of guards, trying to reach the control panel so she could shut it down.
One of them in the back seemed to figure out that they were quickly getting outnumbered and more than half of them were downed, not dead but knocked out for now. Vi watched as he turned and ran for the lever but before she could do anything about it another guy threw a punch. She relaxed for a split second when the sound of Caitlyn's gun went off and hit the guy, though it turned to dread as the guy fell, hit and pulled the lever down as he fell. all movement ceased as the tube opened, the steam hissing and the hulking form of some sort of beast. he was more machine than man, with spider like mechanical legs, his stomach was a metal hulking build, and a metal arm replaced his full left arm. tubes connected from the back to a metal parts of the face.
the beast opened his eyes and glared at the brawler right in front of him. he roared and took a huge swing at her, knocking Vi to the side and was about to finish off the brawler before a bullet bouncing off his metal parts distracted him to a second attacker. Caitlyn quickly cocked her gun again and was about to take another shot when the beast knocked against the catwalk, knocking caitlyn from her feet and falling onto the ground with a soft grunt, scrambling to her feet and searching for her gun. Vi had gotten back onto her feet at this point and had started running back at him, with a powerful jump she uppercutted the beast hard enough to actually knock him back. landing with a roll Vi got back up and started attacking again, not giving the beast any time to react fully as she rained attacks. the sounds of cailyn cocking her gun again she shot a few more times before finally getting the beast down for the count. Caitlyn sighed softly and looked over the guards and big crime boss. Vi had been going from trencher to trencher gathering the ones that were up and making sure they wouldn't run by using random rope she had managed to find. Caitlyn watched Vi work, and smiled gently before going to the mics to let the other two know they are good to start heading up.She was thankful to hear both willis and the other officers voice confirm they were on their way up, she took a deep breathe and joined Vi in tying up the trenchers and leading them out of the industrial buildings, with the confirmation that more enforcers wold be coming down to get the beast, before heading back topside, ignoring the confused, angry, and curious looks by the undercity.

Pull your Life Together
FanfictionNow out of Stillwater, Vi's now gotta figure out how to pull her life together and that starts with a Certain Enforcer