all attention turned to the bed as a soft groan echoed. Cassandra was quick to move to the side of the bed, and tobias pulled away from the young brawler with a faint apology as he went to his wife's side. Pretty boy moved to the foot of the bed, watching with wide eyes. a second groan, a little softer echoed and finally blue eyes opened. Caitlyn took the time to study round her before sitting up, not seeing the familiar pink hair. "good morning caitlyn, how are you feeling?" tobas said, his Fatherly instincts overpowering his duties as a doctor and he brought his daughter into a quick hug before finally checking her vitals. Vi stood off to the side, unsure how to approach and instead just listened to them talking. "im feeling fine dad, nothing hurts. Jayce! how are you? i haven't seen you in forever!" jayce stepped forward with a smirk and hugged the sharpshooter. "heard you got placed in the hospital, had to make sure that your dumb ass was fine." Caitlyn glared and punched his shoulder as he pulled away. "excuse me im just fine thank you. its not like theres been worse" Caitlyn finally caught the jaket Vi always wears and smiles towards her before being brought back to another conversation.
Vi watched the exchange feeling out of place. she knew from Caitlyn that Jayce was a older brother to her, and she felt like she should give the family time to talk. a warm feeling spread in her chest as Caitlyn smiled at her, confirming that she should stay. taking a seat closets to the bed, without invading the family small bubble she just listened, not willing to interrupt and possible be thrown out.
"and this is why being a enforcer isn't the right job for you caitlyn, what if you get hurt worse hm?" her mother exclaimed, to caitlyns heavy sigh. "its part of the job mother. im bound to get hurt when im on the feild." "then ill have you placed behind the desk, let the other enfocers deal with the missions and information." cassandra said, narrowing her eyes at her daughter as if challenging her to contest, which caitlyn took up on despite both tobias and Jayce trying to de-escalate things. "mother are you serious? i have vi to back me up ill be fine on the field. besides with how many enforcers we have we need everyone on the field." cassandra's gaze fell to the mentioned trencher, her lip curling slightly in disdain though she kept it to herself and turned back to her daughter.
"wi-with all do respect...uh ma'am.. we need everyone we can get out on the field.. we dont have enough to cover all the areas we need to, and besides if a emergency comes up she would get called on regardless.." Vi spoke up, turning to face the counselor and trying to keep her face neutral. she wasn't wrong since caitlyn drilled her, as well as in the handbook, that in case of emergencies or anything of that sort, they would issue a order. Both Caitlyn and her mom turned to Gaze at Vi, who shrunk back slightly, nervous about the attention. "and what say do you have in this trencher. you just started did you not? And you got my daughter hurt." "i didn't me-" "so if anything you have nothing to stand on, so if you would like to stay with a job.. and out of prison, you will be wise and shut your mouth." Vi's expression flashed from anger, shock then to fear that she would hold up to her words so she just ducked her head. "mother, you have no right talking to her like that!" Caitlyn shot out glaring at her mother, who sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Caitlyn Kiramann, i will not have you wandering the streets with some street rat who will continue to get you hurt. im going to get you in a safer position, and maybe one where you dont have a street rat as a partner." cassandra stood and walked out of the room, the door slamming behind her.
everyone in the room watched with a mixture of confusion or fear, before Jayce turned to Caitlyn. "im glad to see your aright Cait.. i gotta get back to work though.. heimendinger is waiting on the next prototype for Hextech. hope you feel better soon." jayce patted her leg softly, and pushed himself to his feet. he shot Vi a half smile, though the brawler wasn't looking at him, her eyes trained on the ground. with one final goodbye Jayce left the room, the door shutting quietly behind him. "Vi..? are you okay?" caitlyn aid softly turning her attention to the brawler, who lifted her head at the sound of her name. the expression of fear left her face as she replaced it with a false expression of coolness. she pushed herself out of the chai and to her beside with a half smirk. "im fine cupcake.. worry bout yourself." Caitlyn reached out and grabbed vi's hand softly, eye full of worry. "you can talk to me Vi.. im sorry about my mother. i dont know why shes so negative." "because she worries about you caitlyn." tobias said, making the two girls jump in surprise. Tobias chuckled softly "sorry for scaring you two, but your mother is just worried bout you caitlyn. your our only daughter and we both hate seeing you get hurt."
"she has a weird way of showing it dad, and its literally in the job description. im bound to get hurt so long as im a enforcer! though Vi will make sure i come home." Vi smiled and gripped her hand tighter. "i now she will Cait, just now i have my full faith in yu Vi. you seem like you have a kind heart... dont ever lose it alright?" Tobias patted Vi on the shoulder, whos eyes widened in surprise and she nodded dumbly. tobias smiled then left the room, promising to get the papers to release Caitlyn. once the door shut behind him, Vi turned her attention back to caitlyn to find caitlyns gaze already on her. she blushed slightly and looked away, clearing her throat and pulling her hand away. she missed the look of sadness that passed over caitlyns face.
"im sorry about my mother again Vi, you didn't deserve anything she said." caitlyn said softly, watching the young brawler carefully. over the last few weeks she found herself thinking of th brash young woman often. her tattoos, her piercings, the way she fought, and above all, her kind heart. despite the unfair life she had so far, the young brawler still had a kind heart, willing to trust even if it went against her instincts to do so. Caitlyn found herself drawn to the young brawler, often wanting to just get to know her better, and her crush seemed to worsen everytime she earned something new about the brawler. she prefers coffee over tea, Refused to drink because it made her "less aware", learning more about her past and her family. each little detail was stored safely in caitlyns brain and made her fall deeper in love with the young brawler, though she didn't know the brawler fet the same.
"its fine cupcake.. its.. mostly true anyway.." caitlyns eyes widened at that and she immediately started protesting. "vi you kn-" "it is cupcake.. i noticed the guy into the scaffolding, im the reason your even hurt in the first place.." "Vi, stop it. it wasnt your fault. stop blaming yourself."
Caitlyn took her hand and as Vi started to say something, tugged her closer and kissed her softly

Pull your Life Together
FanfictionNow out of Stillwater, Vi's now gotta figure out how to pull her life together and that starts with a Certain Enforcer