chapter 23

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the next few days passed as a blur for Vi, in between going in to do basic desk work, and making sure that caitlyn was actually taking it easy and not trying to get up and move around. after she finished desk work Vi had always brought something back from a restaurant, and they would both hang out in Caitlyn's apartment watching a movie or just overall talking about the day. one of those days they were watching a movie when Caitlyn pressed close against vi under the blanket. vi was freaking out in her head, unsure what to do in this situation since she had been in prison for most of her life. she wrapped a arm around Caitlyn, who snuggled closer in response, and relaxed. before long Vi felt a weight against her chest and she chuckled softly. being careful she gently moved caitlyn to lean against the couch instead and slowly got up. pausing the movie she cleaned up the room swiftly before picking up caitlyn and carrying her to her room. carefully laying her down on the bed she pulled the covers over her and straightened with a sigh. as she stepped away though a hand grabbed her wrist, though it was a light grip she stopped and turned to see Caitlyn reaching out for her. turning to her and tucking her arm back under the covers she smiled softly. "whats up cait..? go back to sleep love." caitlyn mumbled softly all ready about to fall asleep again. "stay... please..?" Vi just chuckled softly shaking her head.

"i cant love.. need to clean up then go to bed.." caitlyn muttered softly gain before rolling to her side and falling back asleep. Vi chuckled and quietly left the room, heading back to the living room she finished cleaning up before heading out. closing the door and locking it she turned to find someone watching her. "uh hello th-" "why the hell were you in the kiramanns apartment?" Vi raised her hands to try and defuse the situation the keys in her hand. "shes my friend.. we were just relaxing and she fell asleep." "bullshit. you were trying to steal stuff!" the guy yelled. Vi flinched and tried to get him to quiet down so caitlyn wouldn't wake back up. "listen dude.. we were just hanging out, i have a key to lock the door incase she fell asleep. if i was stealing something wouldn't i have a bag?" the guy glared at her, a hand over his phone to call the enforcers. seeing him hesitate Vi took it that she was free to go so she stepped towards her own apartment, only to get grabbed roughly by her collar and yanked back, almost losing her balance and hitting the wall. Vi blindly elbowed behind her her mind bringing her back to the prison as a soft grunt barely registered. she turned and punched his stomach to get him further back, only seeing the guards back in prison. the guard slowly got back up to his feet and turned to her holding his stomach roughly. "all you trenchers are the same, attacking unprovoked." Vi backed away eyes wide and her breathing picking up. she dropped the keys from her hands as she made her way away from the guy.

the guys yelling ringing through her ears as she tried going down the stairs, though in her panic state couldn't see very well and misstepping falling down the last couple of stairs with loud thumps. laying there stunned for a second, her head cleared slightly and she looked around the area confused. hearing the door screech open she shot up scrambling away from the door and hiding away. the person was talking as rough hands grabbed her arms and pulled her up roughly, heading out of the stairway and out of the building. she struggled to get free, her mind still stuck in the prison, and the enforcers tight grip on her arm wasn't helping. they brought her into the enforcers building and led her downstairs into a cell and closing the door with a sneer. "knew you were gonna mess up trencher, caitlyn wont be to happy to hear this." Vi barely registered the voice, instead throwing herself into a corner, her hands in her hair gripping tightly as she tried to calm herself down before she passed out, though it seemed to fail, the last thing she sees are boots before black over tok her vision.

her hearing came back slowly, hearing a familiar voice talking in front of her. she slowly blinked open, her mind quiet though her vision blurry as she tried to figure out where she was. as her vision cleared she saw black boots. pushing herself up she noticed two sets of boots, one in a cast and she glanced up to see caitlyn talking with another enforcer. seeing her finally up Caitlyn turned to Vi. "ah hey Vi, do you know where you are?" "uh jail..?" Caitlyn shook her head and walked closer. "your in the enforcers building holding cell.. do you remember why?" Vi shook her head, slowly getting her her feet as the memories came flooding back slowly. "you attacked a citizen, luckily not super badly, but still, we cant have that kind of behavior. why did you even attack him?" Vi just looked away, refusing to say why she did. she heard caitlyn sigh and felt embarrassment flood her system. Hearing footsteps receding, Vi looked up to see caitlyn looking back down at her, though the other enfocer was gone. 

Producing a key from her pocket Caitlyn opened the door and unlocked Vi's cuffs, letting her stand and slowly, cautiously walk out of the cell, like she was waiting to get thrown back in. Caitlyn led Vi to the Sheriffs office, and once they were both inside, she closes the doors. "Vi, what did he do so bad that you punched him?! you are lucky it wasn't bad enough to put him in the hospital. do you know what this looks like?!" Vi just kept quiet, head bowed and letting caitlyn just rant and yell at her. finally when it looked like Caitlyn was waiting for a answer, Vi spoke, her voice quiet and cracking slightly, betraying her tears. "i thought he was a gua-guard...back in Sti-Stillwater..." 

at Vi's soft admission Caitlyn froze from where she was pacing, turning to look over the brawer. Vi had hunched over sightly, hiding from Caitlyn's rage, hating that it was directed towards her. caitlyn sighed softly, forcing herself to relax before she stepped closer to Vi. "you thought he was a guard?" Vi just nodded, turning her head away from the critical look she was getting. "Vi, i need you to elaborate... please?" Vi shook her head and looked around, not wanting anyone to hear. Caitlyn bit back groan and gently took Vi's hand, gently leading her from the office to their apartment building. Vi felt a flash of self hatred, yelling at herself for making Caitlyn get up when she should be resting. sliding up beside caitlyn she gently wrapped a arm around her waist allowing caitlyn to lean on her to get some weight off her leg, which caitlyn took with a soft sigh. when they reached their floor, Vi looked around worriedly, praying that the guy wouldn't be there as she stumbled to open her door. once it was opened she helped caitlyn to the couch before heading back to close and lock the door, gathering her thoughts before caitlyn could integrate her. returning to the couch, she sat abit away from the enforcer, her eyes on the carpet. "so..? what happened Vi? what made you punch a civilian?" "h-he.. accused me of trying to steal from you, though i had your key in my hand.. when i turned away to defuse the situation and go into my own apartment, i had closed your door don't worry! he... grabbed the back of my shirt..." "and thats how the guards would handle you sometimes" caitlyn whispered eyes widen slightly as Vi nodded. "thats how they made sure they wouldn't get hurt.. it was always enough to disorient me so they could beat.." "and thats why you thought he was a guard, because he did the same thing they used to." vi just nodded, swallowing softly before continuing. "i elbowed him to let me go, since that usually works.. but i was already caught in a flashback or something and he moved like a guard would, so i punched once so i could get away.." caitlyn had moved closer without vi realizing, not until arms wrapped around her. gasping in surprised she wiggled once, pushing the arms away from her, an they relented quickly. "woah vi im sorry! your okay your okay!" caitlyn said quickly, rubbing Vi's back softly.

as Vi's breathing went back to normal, caitlyn relaxed. "can i hug you love?" vi just nodded faintly, and leaned into her shoulder as caitlyn hugged her tightly. "your okay love, i got you..."

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