When they were settled in and VI's wounds were , Vi talked with Caitlyns father and getting more comfortable with him, the nurse came in and informed Tobais his wife was here. He smiled and nodded his head, before standing up and turning to the door. "Ah Vi you can just stay here, I'll be back shortly don't worry."
Vi only nodded and turned to Caitlyn with a deep breathe. She prepared herself to be yelled at, though she was sure tobais would keep it from going to far. She jumped in her seat hearing the door open and seeing tobais come in, followed by a very strict looking woman. She watched the woman study Caitlyn's form listing to her husband explain h to e wounds and how she got them.
"And vi here brought her in, after the job was done." Vi shuddered when the icy eyes turned to her, and prepared to be yelled at when the eyes narrowed. "Your the reason she's like this trencher?" Vi flinched at the word, and tobais started trying to calm his wife down. "Hold on honey... she's n-" "why are you even here? Trying to cause more damaged trencher? Where are the enforcers, she's here to cause trouble." Vi scooted back further curling into herself with every word.
"Cassandra, this young woman is the reason our daughter is here and healing. Now please calm down." Tobais said stepping between her and Vi, turning to make sure that Vi won't run. "Your okay Vi I promise, I'm sorry about her." Cassandra watched them interact, seeing the bond her husband already created with the young woman and took a deep breathe to calm down. "I'm sorry for the accusations, Vi."
Vi looked towards Cassandra studying her posture to make sure she still wasn't about to attack, before responding. "I-it's okay.. your worried about your daughter.. it makes sense..." Cassandra nodded and sat down on the other side of her daughter. Vi watched warily before standing up and heading to the doors. Turning to Tobais she spoke softly still timid and tense with Cassandra here. "I'm gunna go get something to.... eat... I'll come to visit later or tomorrow.."
Tobais nodded and watched the young woman close the door, saddened that her returned to the tense young woman she was when he first saw her, but understood now that this was how she survived. He sighed then turned to his daughter and wife, joining his wife in one of the chairs to watch over his daughter.

Pull your Life Together
FanfictionNow out of Stillwater, Vi's now gotta figure out how to pull her life together and that starts with a Certain Enforcer