Caitlyns dad pushed through the doors with a soft sigh. He had helped the other nurses tend to Vi and hated the young woman's soft whimpers of pain and flinches. He knew a few things about vi, how she was in prisoned and she was a huge brawler down in her home, and he had a feeling she didn't show weakness very often, so to see the young woman flinch like she expected a punch back after whimpering tugged at his heart.
He scanned the waiting room for his daughter and smiled seeing her curled up in the uncomfortable, plastic chairs, head in a hand and seeming to be asleep. He knew it was very late, but also knew his daughter and she would want to see her friend, or girlfriend, whatever their label was right now. He padded to her softly and gently reached out to shake her shoulder chuckling as she startled awake.
"Hi sweetheart. Vi is on her way to recovery. If you wanted you can see her now, though she could be asleep." Caitlyns eyes widened and she nodded, gathering her things and standing up. She must've fallen asleep, and based on the fact that outside was still dark, she would have to say it was quite late. She followed her dad through the doors, and the hallway to finally see her room. "She may be asleep hun but you can see her, though I bet she will wake up here pretty soon anyway."
Caitlyn nodded but hesitated at the door. "Hey dad?" She turned to him, catching him before he walked away. "Yep?" "What was the extent? And how long before I can get her back to her apartment to rest?" "A few broken ribs, bruising along her chest and face, broken nose, sprained ankle, and fractured arm, most likely from a fall and trying to catch herself." Caitlyn flinched slightly at the amount but tucked it away for later. "And I would say about a day or two, make sure we didn't miss anything before she can go home. She will be fine to work so long as she doesn't run anytime soon, not till those ribs fully heal."
Caitlyn nodded and hugged her dad. "Thank you for helping her" Tobias startled slightly then hugged back. "No worries honey, she's your friend, and I would love to make sure she stays with you." Caitlyn chuckled softly before pulling away and opening the door softly, and with a quick smile to her dad, closing it quietly. Turning and seeing the brawler on the bed her heart clenched. Vi looked so much smaller and younger, wrapped up in bandages and hooked up to a heart monitor and IV drip.
Sighing softly Caitlyn sat down in one of the plastic chairs by the bed and studied the brawler. The frown and stress lines she always seemed to have disappeared in her sleep, and she looked more relaxed. It was a look Caitlyn hasn't seen very often, and she had a suspicion it was because of the prison, but also growing up in the undercity. She didn't need to wait to long before the softest of groans cut through the silence. Vis eyes fluttered angrily under her eyelids as she fought whatever pain meds and anthircs to put her under.
Soon her eyes slowly opened though winced and closed again at the harsh light, that had Caitlyn rushing to the light switch to trun down the brightness. Vi opened her eyes slowly again, and a soft sigh left her lips at the dimmer light. Her stormy eyes were slightly clouded as she looks around, and catching the shape of the enforcer who helped her get out of prison. "Cup-cupcake? what in the world are you doing here..?" Her eyebrows furrowed slightly as she took in the appearance of Caitlyn, who moved back to the bed.
"I'm here to check on my partner, the others got you pretty good.." Vi frowned slughtly and squinted her eyes trying to think back. "I... I don't remeber that cupcake..? I just remeber going to the little cafe we used to go to to get lunch for both of us... then when I was walking back.. I got jumped?" Caitlyn nodded slightly. "It was the same 3 who attacked you before Vi, when you didn't return back I went looking, and talked with the cafe worker who said she saw you get tailed with three others, though she didn't see the faces. Do you remeber who it was Vi?"
"Uh... no.. but I can recognize their faces when I get back to work.. speaking of, when's that?" Caitlyn chuckled softly glad Vi loved the job so much she was aching to get back. "Couple of days, they want to make sure there is nothing they overlooked." Vi nodded, seeming to be fighting sleep, though losing. Caitlyn smiled and gently pushed her down, pulling the thin blanket up and covering the brawler.
"Go sleep Vi, I'll be here when you wake up." Vi murmured something before falling asleep and Caitlyn chuckled. Settling down in the plastic chair next to the bed Caitlyn got comfortable for a night of watching over Vi.

Pull your Life Together
FanfictionNow out of Stillwater, Vi's now gotta figure out how to pull her life together and that starts with a Certain Enforcer