Chapter 25

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"the Brawlers coming Home...."

Vi stood at the edge of the city, looking down the roofs and pipes winding and swirling into the depths of Zaun. the normal rush of adrenaline left her smiling as she dropped off the edge and allowing her body to go through the movements she had done since she was little. she smirked feeling the wind blowing through her face and ruffling her hair, feeling the familiar burn from the jumps and slippery pipes, her girlfriends voice in the back of her head to stay safe. 

she landed with a quiet thud in a alleyway in the lower city, the crowds of people barely giving her a second glance as they moved, some to the mines and sumps for work, while others to the brothel, stands, or bars lining the Undercity. she quickly flipped up her hood and joined the rows of people, pushing people aside to get to the Sumps, were the industrial sites lined the shadows, sending fumes up with steady streams, unaware there was a shadow following her every move. 

the further down she went the less trenchers she saw, which made it easier for Vi to keep her eye out for any suspicious activity, though made it harder since the further down you went the darker the undercity became. finally coming across the first of the building, the loud cranking and bellowing of steam keeping her from hearing much, though through the sounds she could hear talking. "what do you think Singed has in this warehouse?" "i dont know, but im not curious enough to lose my head trying to find out." "but ain't you abit curious on what it could be?" "no. Singed said to not worry about it." Vi smirked and started backing away knowing Caitlyn would love to hear what she had found out, though before she could get very far, she kicked a loose pipe on the ground, sending it rattling away into the depths of the smoke. she cursed as she heard the footsteps of the guards, and clenched her hands itching for a fight. her body moved without her registering and she launched out a the first guy, effectively knocking him down with a hit to the head. 

the other guy yelped in surprise and threw his own hands up, quickly blocking a second blow before throwing a sloppy punch to her, which vi easily sidestepped. she had to end this now before any more of these goons hear the fighting and come running, so she faked a right punch, instead hitting him in his gut and winding him, before throwing a uppercut and knocking him unconscious. as his body hit the ground Vi slunked into the shadows the pipes and buildings made using the smoke for cover as she heard more footsteps heading her way. she hated that she was retreating, but knew Caitlyn would kill her if she got hurt or caught while only supposed to be scouting so against her etter judgement she sluncked away. when she deemed herself far enough away she started making her way back up to the lanes, rolling the information she gathered so far and names in her head. she quickly made her way back to the upper Zaun, though finally catching a familiar sight of blue hair, though it was longer and braided. tuning her head quickly she caught it again turning a corner she remembered belong to Benzo before she got taken. 

against her better judgment she followed behind, eyes trained on the corner like a dog her eyes scanning for any more sign of blue hair. if it was her sister then she had to know, its been way to long since she had been thrown in prison and through all that time she thought her sister had ended up dying, with no one else to protect her, so she spent her years mourning and keeping her sisters memory alive. whens he rounded the corner, there was no sign of the familiar blue hair. the alleyway desolate compared to the bustle of the main part of the lanes. tsking to herself for following a distant memory she turned to continue before a familiar voice stopped her.


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