"and the dude fell back into the scaffolding.. i didn't think he was going to go that way.." Vi said her head already ducked again to avoid the eyes of the parents. whatever they were going to say was cut off by a soft groan. all three of their attention turned to the bed as Caitlyn moved slightly. Tobias and Cassandra stepped forward as blue eyes blinked open slowly. "hello caitlyn.. how are you feeling? any pain?" Caitlyn blinked confused for a moment as her eyes adjusted. "h-huh..? hey dad.. no pain.. what happened? wheres Vi? is she okay?" Vi stepped forward with a chuckle. "im alright Caitlyn.." "what do you remember cait?" Tobias said watching Vi step away for him to check his daughter. "we were on a mission? shimmer bust down in Zaun. something happened and i was knocked from the scaffolding?" Tobias nodded. "alright so no lasting memory problems.. you were right, Vi knocked the dude back and it knocked over the scaffolding. " Caitlyn nodded keeping in a eye on Vi, hoping the brawler didn't take it bad. "you can go home tomorrow now that your up, i want to make sure you are all good before i send you back to your apartment. sound good?" Tobias said smiling when Caitlyn nodded.
after abit of talking, Tobias and Cassandra had left both having other duties to attend to the day. Vi sat down at a chair near the bed chatting with caitlyn through the day, only living when the staff told her visiting hours are over. Vi smiled and promised to caitlyn that shed be back tomorrow. with what little courage she had Vi leaned over and kissed Caitlyn's head before walking out of the room, hands shoved deep into the pockets of her jacket and leaving a stunned caitlyn behind. as the door shut with a soft click, caitlyn reached up and touched the spot the brawler kissed with a light blush. she smiles gently and looks out the window, watching the sun set with a soft smile. When Vi hit the streets she groaned and lifted her head up. taking her hands out of her pockets she rubbed her face, trusting her feet to lead her back to her apartment as her mind was reeling. "ugh why did i do that! im so stupiddd... damn it.. ughhhhh" Vi muttered to her self softly shaking her head.
the rumbling of her stomach cut through her thoughts and despite wanting to get back to the apartment as fast as possible, made a detour to her favorite little cafe once again to get a coffee and pastry for a snack. once her belly was satisfied she headed back out and made t back to her apartment with relative ease, though she avoided the Elevator once again. pushing her door open she sighs taking in the apartment before kicking the door closed. toeing off her shoes, she sits down on the couch turning on a movie and relaxing into the couch with a soft sigh. she sipped her coffee. in her mind she replayed what happened before tipping her head back against the couch with a soft sigh. "why did i do that? i cant.. shes my boss, any feelings like this and its back to stillwater.. probably for good. probably shouldn't show my face again.." vi muttered to herself, coffee forgotten on the table as she rubbed her face with her palms. Vi doesn't remember when she falls asleep, only waking up to the faint sounds of gunshots, and the warm feeling of the sun on her body. she groans lifting her head, feeling sharp pain in her neck. she pushed herself up with a soft groan, and went into her bedroom to change. making a quick breakfast Vi planned the day. she wanted to check in on Caitlyn, before heading down to Zaun. she had been gone for to long, and wanted to see how her homeland progressed, and maybe try to find her younger sister. getting shoken from her thoughts by the sound of the toaster she takes it and shoves the corner into her mouth as she grabbed her keys and threw on her favorite jacket. shoving her shoes on she heads out, taking the stairs two at a time and shoving the doors open.
taking a breath of the air she heads straight for the hospital once again humming softly as she munched on her toast. as she walked she went over what she wanted to say to Caitlyn, her boss, and prays that she wouldn't bring up what she did the other night. vi pushed through the doors, and asked for caitlyns room before going that way, with a nod to the nurse. there was alot of movement in the halls, night shift nurses leaving for the day as their replacements came in, vistors were already flooding the halls with doctors, some going to get breakfast with the patients while others were heading towards their rooms. patients of all kinds were in the hallway, being pushed to other rooms, heading in after a doctor, or heading out once they were cleared. Vi pushed through the chaos to get to Caitlyn's room and pushed open the door, staring in slight surprise as Cassandra and a guy she doesn't even know were already there. Cassandra had one of Caitlyn's hands in hers, holding it in a soft grip while she talked with "pretty boy". deciding to come back and not mess with the moment, vi turned and opened the door, only to collide with Tobias. with a soft gunt she looked over at him ready to offer apologies and push her way through, but instead she was met with the widest grin. "Vi! you made it! i hope you slept well enough.. gods can only hope. have you eaten yet? come take a seat!"
vi stammered slightly, unable to fight back as tobias pushed her gently back into the room, the talking now alerted the other two who watched with varied degrees of interest. Cassandra offered her a tight-lipped smile and half nod, before turning her attention back to pretty boy, who watched for a moment. his eyes seeming to scritize and pick her apart, before turning back to cassandra with a soft scoff. her blood boiled at that, since she ha a right to see Caitlyn if she wanted to, seeing as Caitlyn was her friend and boss, though before she could confront them about it, a bagel with cream cheese was shoved into her hands. starin confused at the food she turned to find tobias watching her with a soft smile. he sat in the empty seat next to her and smiled warmly at the young brawler. "eat up kiddo, or its gonna get cold." he said with a playful tone, sounding every bit of the playful dad vi thought him to be. but she didn't eat, instead she froze again as her mind brought her back to her early days, when her mom and dad were still alive and well, when they would devote as much time to their kids, making sure they grew up the kind hearted people. of a memory of her dad saying the exact same thing, and Vi had eagerly wolfed down her food, if only to quiet her rumbling belly, but also because it was the first warm food she had in months.
those memories brought tears forward, and Vi fought to keep them from falling, snapping out of her dazed look to furiously swipe and her eyes, bagel left forgotten in her lap as she kept swiping at her face, before just hiding her face in her palms, muttering apologies in between soft sniffles. tobias watched worriedly as the young brawlers shoulder shook slightly, his expression softling when he heard the quiet curses and sniffles. as a father he always tried to be there for caitlyn everytime she cried, and instincts took over him, he leaned over what space he had and gently brought the brawler into a tight hug. the reaction was instant, hands flew away from her face to push him away, whimpering softly though tried to rein it back in as she fought to get away. after a partially hard shove to his stomach left him breathless he let go and backed away, eyeing the now panicking brawler as his wife stood up. he turned to Cassandra ready to say its fine when his wife beat him to it. "Stop it right now. there is no need for violence. if you continue thrashing about like that i will call enforcers." "honey its fine. i just scared her, she didn't mean anything by it. Vi can you look at me please?" after confronting his wife, who sat with a huff, he turned his attention to the brawler. Panicked pale blue eyes rose to meet his, and he started to go through the motions of calming. exaggerating his breathing and motioning for vi to do the same. it took abit but soon Vi's breathing returned to normal and she bowed her head forward, letting her forehead rest against her arms. tobias was a lot more careful now and didn't touch her. "vi? can i give you a hug?" giving the brawler the space she needed to decide, he smiled when the brawler gave the tiniest of nods. he was quick bt gentle to embrace the younger girl, and hum softly.
who nows how much time passed, only that it was midday when everyone heard the softest groan coming from the bed. the sharpshooter was awake again.

Pull your Life Together
FanfictionNow out of Stillwater, Vi's now gotta figure out how to pull her life together and that starts with a Certain Enforcer