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The rest of the night was a blur, until now. My back against the freezing bathroom tile wall, hot tears splattered across my face. Apparently alcohol wasn't the best idea.

"Hey, are you ok?" A soft voice appeared, coming towards me. The woman from earlier. I go to speak but nothing comes out. I'm left staring, wide eyed at the woman. "You don't look to good hun, do you want me to call a taxi?" The woman asked kindly. Yes please, I want to go home say, but all that comes out is a whimper. She stares at me in confusion, she probably thinks i'm insane. "How about you come with me and we can go get some fresh air and some water?" The woman asks, holding out her hand. Without another thought, I nod. She probably won't kidnap me...not that I would mind, she's kinda pretty.

"How do you feel?" The woman asks, sitting beside me. "Ok" I manage. "Are you cold? Here, have my jacket" She says, gently wrapping a denim jacket around my shoulders. "Thank you" I whisper, humming in content with sudden warmth. The jacket smells sweet and comforting, something I haven't felt in a long time. I jump as someone puts their hand on my back, but instantly ease into it as they rub circles on my back.

A strange wave of dizziness washes over me. My skin feels prickly and cold, and black dots begin to dance in my vision. "Hey, hey! Easy, are you ok? Shit" the woman says as everything fades away.


Bright light swirls around as my eyelids force open. Whatthefuckwhatthefuck. I jolt upward, feeling a sharp pain in my right arm. "HEY, take it easy" A man yells. My hands wander over to my right arm, there is a strange plastic tube sticking out of it. "We had to put a drip in, you were severely dehydrated" The man says. A drip? "Where am I?" I question, more hostile than i mean to. "Your in the hospital miss, you fainted" He replies softly. "Your uh...friend? Is waiting outside, would you like me to let her in?" Friend? shit it better not be lavender. "Uh, who is it?" The man gives me a strange look. "Taylor Swift Ma'am" He says, as if it the most absurd thing in the world. No fucking way.

"Knock, knock!" a soft voice says from the doorway. "Hey, I thought i'd come check on you, you had a pretty rough night last night" Taylor says, walking towards the side of the bed. "Thank you...I'm ok, I think, I don't remember much" I mumble in response. "Haha yeah, alcohol does that" Taylor replies, as if we are best friends, as if she isn't Taylor Fucking Swift. I fidget with the hem of my hospital gown, rubbing the stiff material between my fingertips. "Are you really Taylor Swift?" I blurt out. Blush creeps up to my cheeks as I shield my eyes from her gaze. "Last time I checked, yes" She chuckles, as if that's a totally normal question. Something about her casualness puts me at ease, as if i could be myself and she would never bat an eye.

"What happened?" I mumble quietly. "I'm not to sure, I found you crying in the bathroom, so I took you outside for some fresh air and you fainted, I panicked and brought you to the hospital and here we are" Taylor replies with a nervous laugh. "Sorry if I overreacted, I was just so worried about you" Taylor Swift was worried about me. "No you didn't, thank you" I whisper, putting on a fake smile.

A nurse around my age walks in, pushing a large trolley. "Hello ma'am, I'm going to have to take some blood before we can discharge you" She says, nonchalantly. "Hey, why don't you tell me about yourself while she does that?" Taylor steps in, as if she could read the panic written on my face. "Ok" I choke. "What's your name, mysterious girl from the bar?" Taylor questions, a smirk painted across her lips. It hits me, she doesn't even know my name, yet she stayed. "I'm Eve...well Evie" I manage, trying to stay calm. "Woah, that's such a pretty name! it's lovely to meet you Evie" My name dancing off the tip of her tongue.

"...Ok last question, cats or dogs?" She questions, leaning towards me as if it was the most important question in the world. "Definitely cats" I reply, smiling at her antics. "Yes! We can definitely be friends now" Taylor replies, smiling back.

For the first time in exactly two weeks now, I smile. A real, genuine smile.


After what seemed like hours the doctor cleared me to leave. Relief fell over me, as much as i enjoyed Taylor's company, I hated hospitals. I never used to, until mum died, that is.

"How are you getting home? I can drop you home, if your ok with that?" Taylor asked, with a kind smile lighting up her face. The kind of smile that pulls you in, like a siren's song. "It's ok, I can catch the bus home, I don't wanna be to much" I mumble the last part. "Oh don't be silly, you are never to much, plus it's late and i want to make sure you get home ok" She replies, as if i've said the stupidest thing in the world. I've never met someone that makes me feel so...wanted.

We approach her car, safe to say, it's probably the fanciest car i've ever been in. I slide into the smooth leather seats and sigh in content at the warmth. I'm in Taylor Swift's car. "Alright, can you put your address into the maps please?" Taylor Swift is trusting me with her phone. My hands shake as I type my address, a shaky breath escapes as i hand Taylor the phone. If you had of told me two days ago this was my life, I would of laughed in your face.

The drive home is comfortably silent, Taylor humming a soft tune every now and then. I feel so safe and, for a moment, I think everything might just be ok.
A/N: ok I edited this again sorry 😭

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