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Soft linen envelopes me as my eyes adjust. I slept through the whole night for the first time in years, not one nightmare. My eyes scan the room, i'm not in the fort anymore, i'm in a white fancy looking room with a king size bed. Holy shit. As I go to get up, a strange squeaking sound startles me. My head snaps towards the sound and I instantly burst out laughing. It's just her fucking cat.

After ten minutes of awkwardly shimmying out of her bed, attempting not to upset olivia, I began to walk towards the smell of something cooking. As I quietly crept down the stairs, I was greeted by the sight of taylor leaning over the stove, humming to a made-up tune. I watch her in pure awe, contemplating whether or not to say something. Alas, my questions were answered when taylor turns towards me, jumping back and almost dropping the pan. "Good morning, you scared me, jeez" Taylor laughs. "Sorry, i didn't want to wake you last night, I tried but you sleep like a log so I carried you up to the guest room" The woman says, serving up a stack of pancakes. "Oh god, sorry I'm usually a really light sleeper" I reply, blushing furiously at the thought of taylor carrying me. "No don't be, I'm just glad you got some rest" Taylor says with a kind smile. "I made you some pancakes, let's go eat" she says, ushering me to the dining table.

After a morning of chatting and laughing, I finally make my way home. I feel carved out and hollow leaving Taylor's home. A part of me want to turn around, crawl into her arms and never leave. But I know better than that, she's a famous popstar and I'm a useless nobody.

A/N: oops sorry another very short chapter, next one will be longer I promise :D

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